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Medical Marijuana pictures
#35149 - 05/20/08 07:46 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
These are mostly from medical marijuana clubs, because I am a card holder. The first one is of some purple bape. Its $50 an eighth

Here is some grand daddy purp. Pretty standard and its $45 an eighth.

This stuff was not medical but it should have been. It's called chocolate Kush. Cost me $260 an ounce or $40 an eighth. I bought a QP at the time for $800

This stuff is also not club, but it was $175 an ounce. I think you guys would call the smoke beasters. I mean it was damn good for the price but doesn't compare to other shit.

I can't remember the name of this bud from the club. It was $300 for an ounce, it was a great deal because they were selling it for $45 an eighth so usually an ounce would be $325, anyways heres two pics.

The next pictures are of purple urkle, obviously. It was $55 an eighth, which is a tad bit much for me but it was what looked dankest at the time.

The next one is some sort of Kush, I don't remember what kind it was but it was $40 an eighth so it was a good deal. It is as well from a medical marijuana clinic.

Here's some purple berry, $45 an eighth. Pictures are shitty, it's very purely.

Here is a gram of Master Kush hash on top of a 1/4 of grand daddy purp.

Here is some blueberry hash, a gram, on top of the best grinder ever. Spacecase or whatever that shit is doesn't even compare. I'd highly suggest these if you see one. they are only like $25 a pop too.

Last but not least here is another pictures of the Berry Kush and a picture of some BOMB sour diesel. Both $40 from a local clinic.

By the way if your sour diesel isn't that texture or doesn't look similar to that, then it isn't sour diesel. I've been around it so many times and smoked so much of it I can pick it out just by feeling it. When you get it you'll know.
The last samuri

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#35194 - 05/20/08 08:21 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
OMG YOU FUCKERRRRR. All of that looks amazing.
Pseudo Reality

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: highasfuck]
#35200 - 05/20/08 08:29 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
what i would give to be a card holder. damn you!!!
Grow Room
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: drSE]
#35211 - 05/20/08 08:44 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
I got 20 clones going right now too. I'll take pictures later, but they are sour diesel, purple kush, master kush, grand daddy purp, purple bape, soma, soma lavender, lavender, and blueberry. Three of the sativas have doubled in size in the past four days so I am hoping they will be half pounder's . Yeah those are the only pics of the bud that i smoke though. I'm sure i'll take some more soon though, I just got out of the habit
trash hoarder

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#35932 - 05/21/08 04:44 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Happy Planting

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: MFDoom666]
#35961 - 05/21/08 05:16 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
did you get the clones from the club too?
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root"
~ Henry D. Thoreau
Strike The Root
whippits n ribs

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#36207 - 05/21/08 09:26 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
nice hash

heady nugz
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Yrat]
#36323 - 05/21/08 10:16 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
Yrat said: did you get the clones from the club too?
Yeahup. 15 a piece. I had 24 originally but it looks like only 15 are going to make it :/. Windy weather and harsh conditions, but the ones that are making it are getting to pretty good sizes. There are probably three or four half pounders in there.
You Have Heard of the Yetti

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#36594 - 05/22/08 12:44 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
I just came my pants.
-------------------- sǝıqɐq ɹɐʇ
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: meatcakeman]
#36605 - 05/22/08 01:06 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
Nice weed, expensive but I suppose you've for to pay for access to multiple strains of well grown good genetics.
-------------------- Coaster Said: "wut do u post bout flumbooyon"

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#37035 - 05/22/08 08:24 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
nice gran master kush hash, that sour diesel looks great as well, i'm not a fan of the purple family but looks good nonetheless, unfortunately here in oregon there aren't dispensaries, so gotta grow my own, which sucks only for the wait. wemight have dispensaries coming by the end of the year though
-------------------- Kids are always honest
Cause they don't think their ever gonna die
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#37107 - 05/22/08 09:21 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
Hanky said: Nice weed, expensive but I suppose you've for to pay for access to multiple strains of well grown good genetics.
Expensive? Hardly. $45 dollars for an eighth of bomb weed or $40 for that sour diesel/berry kush. I know tons of other places in the US that those eighths would go for much more. I mean fuck down in southern california the clinics would charge $60 an eighth for them.
Crack Smokin' Hoe-bags

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#37610 - 05/23/08 12:01 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
We need to meet, that shit looks nice!
Never in my 23+ years on this planet have I got anything that good
Post is for ornamental use only.
10 centimeters = 3.93700787 inches

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: GROWEED]
#37856 - 05/23/08 10:24 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
california, knows how to party.
-------------------- this is me on a bar, 3 methrolls (up 4 days), ketamine, and some good acid two years ago.
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: beatyou]
#37994 - 05/23/08 03:34 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
i was hoping that was something about a dispensary in CA. i've seen that vid enough for a lifetime. lol.
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: FurrowedBrow]
#41593 - 05/27/08 10:05 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
The medicinal marijuana clinics have the most bomb weed you will ever have for really good prices. But once you start buying more than 1/4 it gets somewhat pricey. But fuck where else are you going to get such high quality edibles as well?
still beLIEve
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#42153 - 05/28/08 01:00 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
coasters new rival
that shit was sick looking, and those prices made me droool
people pay 550 a zip or more for shit that looks like that round here
75 an 8th easy
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: still beLIEve]
#42237 - 05/28/08 02:31 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
Very sexy man i wish we had those kinds of options around here and those prices god
-------------------- 01010011011011010110111101101011011001010010000001110111011001010110010101100100001000000110010101110110011001010111001001111001011001000110000101111001

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: freepain]
#42385 - 05/28/08 07:52 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
BEAUTIFUL! I think Im comming down with something ::cough cough::
Fat Ladies Bingo

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#42543 - 05/29/08 12:56 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
wireless said:
Hanky said: Nice weed, expensive but I suppose you've for to pay for access to multiple strains of well grown good genetics.
Expensive? Hardly. $45 dollars for an eighth of bomb weed or $40 for that sour diesel/berry kush. I know tons of other places in the US that those eighths would go for much more. I mean fuck down in southern california the clinics would charge $60 an eighth for them.
$45 an 1/8 is expensive when you're used to prices that are half of that.
-------------------- Coaster Said: "wut do u post bout flumbooyon"

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#42634 - 05/29/08 08:05 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
oh man,
in the us weed is way expensive.
the demand is too high.... fucking stoners.
Medical Marvel

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#43921 - 05/30/08 09:25 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
Yeah welcome to the USA, where weed of that quality would go for 70+ an eigth in most of the states.
freedom lover

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#44094 - 05/31/08 02:51 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
thats a great collection
-------------------- "If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution - then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise." - Aldous Huxley

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#54926 - 06/10/08 06:42 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
very nice deal... and great looking buds
Skunked Out......

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#55488 - 06/11/08 10:56 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
Lucky bastard looks great

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#55753 - 06/11/08 05:51 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
so beautiful

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#55762 - 06/11/08 05:59 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
wow dude
oh man that is so awesome... it is as if I'm smoking it or something, but i'm not, wow that's great if only I could smoke all that herb, looking at the pictures is ok though
not like I'm going to die or anything
never see maple leaf indica in the clubs, huh?
-------------------- my rating of flavoraid:
b*tch*s shouldn't call me a retard..
and this shit... "I like to drink tea, lift weights, punch shit, have sex with girls"....
is gay as f**k
Edited by Iamasmoker (06/11/08 06:04 PM)
trash hoarder

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Iamasmoker]
#59628 - 06/17/08 07:13 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
here's a little gods gift.

tasty stuff.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: MFDoom666]
#60289 - 06/18/08 05:38 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
and how come i havent smoked this!!!!????? picked up more of that "mk ultra" but fatter nugs

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: aDoS]
#60591 - 06/18/08 10:34 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
aDoS said: thats a great collection
trash hoarder

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Lantern Hash Plant.
top notch texas weedz
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
still beLIEve
State Property..Again

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: MFDoom666]
#61094 - 06/19/08 09:08 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
damn dude those are some sick nugz
you keep impressin me with this bad ass weed you keep gettin, while im burnin on commercial
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.
trash hoarder

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: still beLIEve]
#61097 - 06/19/08 09:15 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
i can only get this stuff every now and then.
the grower does like 8 different strains throughout the year.
sumtimes he has bubblegum crossed with northern lights.
FurrowedBrow said:
They should teach african engineering at the college level. mcgyver 101
Harry_Ba11sach said:
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
still beLIEve
State Property..Again

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: MFDoom666]
#61103 - 06/19/08 09:26 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
i guess that would be my problem
i need to find a grower.
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: MFDoom666]
#61146 - 06/19/08 10:38 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
oh shit man, that is sick.
picked up some fluffy homegrown early this morning. coffee and a bowl to start the day, no other way. 

i also bought a six pack of wine off the dude, haha
-------------------- this is me on a bar, 3 methrolls (up 4 days), ketamine, and some good acid two years ago.
Edited by beatyou (06/19/08 10:40 AM)
whippits n ribs

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: beatyou]
#61197 - 06/19/08 11:34 AM (16 years, 8 months ago) |

hash plant x kush from MFdooms dude

heady nugz
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wowitch420]
#63804 - 06/22/08 01:43 PM (16 years, 8 months ago) |
Good looking bud
-------------------- Child of the 60's, Tripping ever sence.

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*DELETED* [Re: wireless]
#93622 - 07/26/08 12:04 AM (16 years, 7 months ago) |
Edited by Lucky7s (08/18/09 06:41 AM)

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Hanky]
#105401 - 08/07/08 10:57 AM (16 years, 7 months ago) |
I've never been around medical marijuana. How potent is it?
-------------------- Who the boss nigga?
Grand-High Pooba Joo

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Sacrament]
#107977 - 08/11/08 04:43 PM (16 years, 6 months ago) |
medical marijuana.
Medical marijuana is anything that is sold by the club.. It can be just as potent as anyone elses.. medical is just grown by people and sold to the clubs.. I have some friends out of town that do just that.. and their weed is damn good, but not the super-badass-chrondilly... Its just good smoke..
alot of the times, when you go to a club, the will have different types of bud for different prices.. I remember when the 3rd story (by the lemon drop cafe in oakland) used to give out free dubs when you would purchase certain things.. it was just some cool bud that they hooked you up with..
dont get caught into the whole "its medical marijunana so it has to be the best" thing, because my boys and I can grow weed that is just as good as club shit.. I got a friend that will take the pepsi challenge with some of the local clubs herbs any day of the week...
-------------------- Joo Crop '08 - White Witch, White Widow, Some random bagseed

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Evan]
#107978 - 08/11/08 04:46 PM (16 years, 6 months ago) |
Evan said: Yeah welcome to the USA, where weed of that quality would go for 70+ an eigth in most of the states.
Sad but true...
Grand-High Pooba Joo

Registered: 08/04/08
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yeah.. here is cali, 50 per 8th is standard.. even for the kill
-------------------- Joo Crop '08 - White Witch, White Widow, Some random bagseed

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wowitch420]
#108661 - 08/13/08 02:43 PM (16 years, 6 months ago) |
wowitch420 said:

hash plant x kush from MFdooms dude
Slave of Cthulhu
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#108665 - 08/13/08 02:59 PM (16 years, 6 months ago) |
I think I might shed a few tears... Such beautiful pots... I wanna smoke em all, def the dark purp. Mmm Mmm... Looks like I need to figure out how to become a card holder.
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Id rather smoke that hashplant x kush than purple.
Grand-High Pooba Joo

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fuck a purple... lol.. everyone is obsessed with this shit.. get off it..
If it wasnt for every fucking rapper in the world jocking it, you would probably actually have your own opinion about the chronic.. the best shit i have ever seen, smelled, and smoked in my life wasnt even purple.. it over rated, and that is why its overpriced..
they could have been rapping about smackin hoes and smoking ATF.. then THAT would have been the coveted weed on the street..
although, I do fancy the great granddaddy... very pungent aroma..
-------------------- Joo Crop '08 - White Witch, White Widow, Some random bagseed
Slave of Cthulhu
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: DJYoshaBYD]
#108680 - 08/13/08 03:55 PM (16 years, 6 months ago) |
Well...damnit... I like purp, not because some babblin monkey talks about it non-stop but because it's some tasty, good smokin shit. I've never had an grand-daddy but I'm quite interested.
whippits n ribs

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purples just taste really damn good

heady nugz
Grand-High Pooba Joo

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wowitch420]
#109019 - 08/14/08 09:05 AM (16 years, 6 months ago) |
babblin monkey
thats sad if you really think like that...
-------------------- Joo Crop '08 - White Witch, White Widow, Some random bagseed

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#141802 - 11/06/08 05:35 PM (16 years, 4 months ago) |
how can i get medical bud

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#141919 - 11/06/08 08:48 PM (16 years, 4 months ago) |
Spacecase or whatever that shit is doesn't even compare. I'd highly suggest these if you see one. they are only like $25 a pop too.
Nothing can beat a space case im sorry. That doesnt even look like a 3 stage.

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: DJYoshaBYD]
#142111 - 11/07/08 09:00 AM (16 years, 4 months ago) |
How's the view up there on that horse?
Growing time!

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: wireless]
#146485 - 11/18/08 02:09 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
-------------------- this is so fucking exiting..

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: still beLIEve]
#184123 - 01/18/09 05:29 AM (16 years, 1 month ago) |
Wow 75$ a eighter, never paid more than 50$ here.
-------------------- It's called 'Moonajuana', shiz will fluff you up!
Free yourself from yourself

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Lucas]
#184199 - 01/18/09 01:52 PM (16 years, 1 month ago) |
$75 an eighth for indoor OG Kush round here.
still beLIEve
State Property..Again

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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Kaptain]
#186193 - 01/21/09 01:29 PM (16 years, 1 month ago) |
Kaptain said:
Spacecase or whatever that shit is doesn't even compare. I'd highly suggest these if you see one. they are only like $25 a pop too.
Nothing can beat a space case im sorry. That doesnt even look like a 3 stage.
kannastors are much nicer than space cases
get with the program yo
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.

Registered: 01/27/09
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: DJYoshaBYD]
#190979 - 01/31/09 09:41 AM (16 years, 1 month ago) |
DJYoshaBYD said: yeah.. here is cali, 50 per 8th is standard.. even for the kill
Here in Ohio its $50 for some killer, but sometimes depending on where you go the mids are the "Killer" to them but thats usually the normal public. Just most of them are used to the schwag.

Registered: 02/17/09
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: weedy]
#198322 - 02/21/09 08:38 AM (16 years, 21 days ago) |
w00p w00p! awesome thread. beautiful pictures.
-------------------- Also known as Heineken on The Shroomery
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Re: Medical Marijuana pictures [Re: Cody]
#198581 - 02/21/09 11:16 PM (16 years, 21 days ago) |
OG Kush

White Widow