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Registered: 10/10/09
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Re: The (Official) "recent Cannabis related News Thread"... [Re: Inverted]
    #305020 - 10/27/09 10:23 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

for those of you who don't know, check it out...

**see my next post


Edited by Fox (10/27/09 10:56 PM)

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Re: The (Official) "recent Cannabis related News Thread"... [Re: FurrowedBrow]
    #305086 - 10/27/09 10:55 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

whoops, I misspelled :facepalm:

here's the correct link:



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Re: Recent Cannabis related news... [Re: Dr. Siekadellyk] * 1
    #309245 - 11/03/09 05:48 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

Rockies Ski Town To Vote Tuesday on Legalizing Pot

Posted by CN Staff on November 02, 2009 at 04:08:06 PT
By Kristen Wyatt, The Associated Press
Source: Associated Press

cannabis Breckenridge, Colo. -- Voters in this Rocky Mountain resort town will decide Tuesday whether to legalize pot for all adults at a time when the movement to allow medical marijuana is gaining steam around the country.

A measure before Breckenridge voters in a municipal election would legalize possession of up to 1 ounce of marijuana along with bongs, pipes and other pot paraphernalia. Supporters of the measure say it would inch the whole state closer to full legalization.

Other cities around the country have taken similar action in recent years, including a measure in Denver that decriminalized possession.

Local ordinances to allow some recreational marijuana use have passed in Seattle, San Francisco and other cities, though in all those places the law is considered symbolic because it conflicts with state and federal laws. Alaska allows possession of up to 4 ounces of marijuana in one's home, and advocates in California want to ask voters in next year's election to legalize pot.

Advocates say the Breckenridge proposal goes further than others because it allows paraphernalia as well.

"I don't think there's anywhere else in the country that has legalized paraphernalia," said Bruce Mirken, a spokesman for the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project.

As in most states, drug-paraphernalia possession in Colorado is considered a petty offense. Though "head shops" selling bongs and pipes are common in Colorado, the wares are ostensibly for smoking tobacco. Paraphernalia charges are usually only filed along with possession charges. Both are misdemeanors punishable by a $100 fine and court fees.

The penalties aren't serious, but about 100 people a year in Breckenridge are cited for possession of either marijuana or paraphernalia, often both. Supporters of the effort say it's not right to leave small-time pot smokers with a criminal record.

"We don't want to spend our tax dollars prosecuting this, so we're saying, let's just stop it," said Sean McAllister, a Breckenridge attorney who proposed the ordinance.

Supporters include a member of the town council and the Summit Daily News, which printed an editorial backing the idea.

Its prospects are strong. In 2006, a statewide ballot measure to make marijuana possession legal failed 59 percent to 41 percent. But among Breckenridge voters it won almost 3-to-1.

McAllister's attempt to put the legalization measure on ballots needed 495 signatures. He collected more than 1,500.

Breckenridge Police Chief Rick Holman has opposed the idea, saying the measure just sets up a conflict between town and state law.

Pot possession would still be a state crime, but Breckenridge police officers would have to take users to the Summit County Sheriff's Department to be cited if the measure passes.

Critics also point out that Colorado already allows marijuana for medicinal use — though debate rages because pot shops aren't regulated by the state and are proliferating.

This week, Summit County imposed a 120-day moratorium on new medical-marijuana dispensaries in unincorporated areas so it can figure out how to regulate them.

The debate is playing out around the country as states struggle to figure out how to regulate and enforce medical-marijuana laws.

The federal government complicated matters earlier this month when the Justice Department told federal prosecutors that targeting medical-marijuana users who comply with state laws was not a good use of their time.

Nancy Skaj, a clerk at a Breckenridge grocery, said the measure could be a boon for ski tourists who don't have clearance for medical marijuana.

"With all the injuries people get skiing up here, instead of popping pills, they should just be doing this. It's a lot more natural," she said.

Backers have one main worry — the measure's timing.

Turnout for off-year municipal elections is often extremely light among Breckenridge's 3,300 or so voters. Election Day falls during the quiet weeks before the ski business picks up.

Source: Associated Press (Wire)
Author: Kristen Wyatt, The Associated Press
Published: November 2, 2009
Copyright: 2009 The Associated Press


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Registered: 10/10/09
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Re: Recent Cannabis related news... [Re: ttotheh] * 1
    #309322 - 11/03/09 07:03 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

It's probably too early to tell.  The voting occurred today so I'll keep searching around to find the results.


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Re: Recent Cannabis related news... [Re: ttotheh] * 1
    #312091 - 11/07/09 10:47 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

More Ski Towns May Vote To Change Pot Laws
Posted by CN Staff on November 05, 2009 at 06:08:13 PT
By Brent Gardner-Smith, ADN Staff Writer
Source: Aspen Daily News

cannabis Colorado -- While Pitkin County and Aspen have long had a reputation for a casual approach to drug enforcement, it may be Durango that is the next Colorado ski town to legalize adult possession of up to an ounce of pot and the paraphernalia used to smoke it.

A group called Sensible Durango is preparing to put a ballot question in front of Durango voters in November 2010. “We’re pretty confident it will pass like it did in Breckenridge,” said Corey Chavez of Sensible Durango.

On Tuesday, 71 percent of voters in Breckenridge approved changing the town’s municipal code to remove penalties on Jan. 1 against holding small amounts of pot and paraphernalia.

Brian Vincente of the statewide marijuana legal reform group Sensible Colorado said Aspen is not a likely candidate for a campaign to change its laws as the city’s municipal code is silent on marijuana possession.

Instead, the Aspen Police Department and the Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office rely on Colorado state laws regarding pot possession. It is a petty offense, and a $100 fine, under state law to possess less than an ounce of pot and another petty offense and a $100 fine for possessing paraphernalia.

Vincente said Aspen citizens could perhaps pass a measure to mandate that the local police department place a low priority on enforcing state marijuana laws, as Denver voters did in 2007, but Aspen Police Chief Richard Pryor said it is already a low priority in his department to write tickets for minor pot possession.

“There are enough other issues to deal with,” Pryor said. “If we observe it, we will contact. And we’ll often confiscate marijuana and often lecture and release the person.”

He said, however, that being caught driving under the influence is a more serious matter.

Pryor also said most citations for pot possession in Aspen are related to another infraction, such as fighting in a bar or some other alcohol-fueled transgression.

So far this year in Aspen, there have been eight arrests for marijuana, including six for possession, one for paraphernalia and one for both pot and paraphernalia. There were 24 arrests in 2008 for pot and paraphernalia possession in Aspen, 18 in 2007 and 28 arrests in 2006. Total arrests between 2006 and 2008 ranged from 372 to 474 a year.

Chavez of Sensible Durango plans to begin gathering up to 5,000 signatures in June to ensure his group has the required 1,200 citizen signatures to put the measure on the Durango ballot. Getting caught today with pot in Durango can include up to a $1,000 fee and 90 days in jail.

“What’s cool about all these ski towns, because of our population size, is that it is easier to pass these kinds of things and get media attention,” said Chavez. “It motivates people and inspires them to work to change these laws.”

Chavez said Sensible Durango is modeling its approach on the one taken this fall by Sensible Breckenridge, which in turn worked closely with Sensible Colorado.

“Breckenridge now has the best marijuana law of any city in the lower 48,” said Vincente of Sensible Colorado, whose ultimate aim is to see marijuana regulated in the state in the same manner as alcohol. He said that changing municipal laws will make it easier to convince state legislators to ultimately change state laws to that effect.

One of the differences between Breckenridge’s new law and laws in other towns is that it makes it legal, at least under city code, to possess both pot and the tools to smoke it.

Vincente said he is also talking actively with a group of people in Leadville who want to change that city’s laws about pot and paraphernalia possession. And he is willing to help other budding activists.

“They can definitely get in touch with Sensible Colorado,” he said.

Other ski towns with municipal pot laws on their books include Crested Butte, Dillon, Winter Park. Like Aspen, Snowmass Village, Vail and Boulder do not have municipal pot laws.

The results of the pro-pot Breckenridge vote generated a lot of post-election media coverage and references to a “Rocky Mountain high.” But the Breckenridge ski resort had a no-nonsense response to the election results.

“In spite of the outcome of this vote, the possession and use of marijuana other than for medical use remains illegal under Colorado state law and using any ski lift or ski slope or trail while under the influence is prohibited under the Colorado Ski Safety Act,” said Pat Campbell, chief operating officer and senior vice president of Breckenridge Ski Resort in a prepared statement.

Melanie Mills, the CEO of Colorado Ski Country USA, said it was too soon to know if Breckenridge’s new law might scare off families from taking a vacation there.

She also said her organization was closely watching the spread of medical marijuana dispensaries to see if there were any impacts on ski town tourism.

“We agreed to watch and understand what the implications are, but not to overreact,” Mills said.

When asked if he thought families might be put off from booking a vacation to Breckenridge, Aspen Skiing Co. spokesman Jeff Hanle said he doubted it.

“I would question how many of those skiing families are really going to be aware of it,” Hanle said about the change to the Breckenridge municipal code. “But I think the snack business there will go through the roof.”

Source: Aspen Daily News (CO)
Author: Brent Gardner-Smith, Aspen Daily News Staff Writer
Published: Thursday, November 5, 2009
Copyright: 2009 Aspen Daily News
Website: http://www.aspendailynews.com/
URL: http://drugsense.org/url/2EsrpE8y
Contact: http://drugsense.org/url/PBfHu0Yt


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Registered: 10/10/09
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Re: Recent Cannabis related news... [Re: Fox] * 1
    #312094 - 11/07/09 10:49 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

I think Colorado is leading the way into banishing prohibition for adults.

They seem to be keeping a very close eye on what's going down in Cali and learning from the mistakes they make.

Colorado here I come!


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Registered: 10/10/09
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Re: Recent Cannabis related news... [Re: Dr. Siekadellyk]
    #312491 - 11/08/09 05:17 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

Panel of 14 To Design Medical Marijuana System
Posted by CN Staff on November 07, 2009 at 06:26:38 PT
By Susan M. Cover, Staff Writer
Source: Kennebec Journal

medical Augusta, Maine -- Gov. John Baldacci on Friday signed an executive order to create a 14-member task force that will help apply an expansion of the state's medical-marijuana law.

"Creating a new pharmaceutical distribution system is a complicated undertaking," he said in a statement. "Our goal is to follow the spirit and intent of the law while avoiding unintended consequences that could create serious problems in the future."

On Thursday, 59 percent of voters approved a citizen initiative that allows nonprofit medical marijuana dispensaries to open across the state. It also adds to the number of conditions for which marijuana can be recommended by a doctor.

Supporters said the dispensaries are necessary to provide a safe and legal way for patients to access the drug.

The task force will have until Dec. 31 to come up with recommendations after reviewing the application of similar laws in other states. It will consider public health and safety, and advise the Department of Health and Human Services on how to develop rules, according to the governor's office.

Committee members have yet to be named.

Ten members will be appointed by the governor, and will include two members of the public, a physician representative, a patient representative, and someone from the Department of Public Safety.

Senate President Elizabeth Mitchell, D-Vassalboro, may appoint two senators and House Speaker Hannah Pingree, D-North Haven, may appoint two representatives.

The Committee on the Implementation of the Maine Medical Marijuana Act will be led by the commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services or her designee.

Source: Kennebec Journal (Augusta, ME)
Author: Susan M. Cover, Staff Writer
Published: November 7, 2009
Copyright: 2009 Blethen Maine Newspapers Inc.
Contact: http://drugsense.org/url/65lHsD9Y
URL: http://drugsense.org/url/6gN6YQTL
Website: http://kennebecjournal.mainetoday.com/


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