Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Triptonic]
#300616 - 10/19/09 11:04 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
all the way to the deez in a cd store? wow
the first time i smoked and actually got high...that i can really remember, is when i was 13. i had smoked once before but really didnt get high. anyways, no one was home and i had a dimebag (r.i.p. wewt) so i smoked some and turned on some music. after i started listening to hendrix i was like "OH SHIT, IM FUCKING HIGH" and started walking around my house playing air guitar. (in my defense, i was totally rippin the air guitar) I called my buddy from down the street and he came down and laughed at me for a while. cant remember if he smoked or not. from then on, i loved cannabis
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Triptonic]
#300625 - 10/19/09 11:13 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
yeah this thread definetly brings back memories of when times were much simpler (in my mind anyway) and it was all about the weeeeed maannnn
weed is the fuckin shit yo...im bout to take bong rips when i get done eatin
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Triptonic]
#300642 - 10/19/09 11:27 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Triptonic said:
nice Newspaper reads: Stoner kid gets munchies, burns house down.

Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Magash]
#300665 - 10/19/09 11:40 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Magash said: So I just turn 11 years old and I'm getting into Zeppelin and they are coming to town. My older brother is jacked till he hears the magic words "you wanna go to that show your taking your brother". He gets me and my friend blazed out of our minds on the way to the show. They were having fun getting the kiddies all fucked up. Why you ask were they having fun getting us wasted? Cause they knew what we didn't. They were gonna be ditching our asses seconds after hitting the parking lot. Was still cool as fuck, (What I can remember) 
damn that's fucked up funny as shit though. how'd the show go? yall were walkin around the whole time like wtf?
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: First time smoking. [Re: Triptonic]
#300674 - 10/19/09 11:44 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
lol me and my buddy got drunk and snuck into a show earlier this summer twice actually. got drunk, went in for a while. wanted more beer, went back to truck, snuck in again. it was awesome
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Triptonic]
#300681 - 10/19/09 11:48 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Triptonic said: lol does sound like a good time.
metal mayhem festival 2009
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Fox]
#300693 - 10/19/09 11:57 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Fox said: The first time I ever smoked, from what I recall, I really didn't like cannabis.
I was in a friends barn smoking mexican brick weed in a homemade tin foil pipe. At the time this was the only weed I've ever seen so I didn't know how bad it was, same with the pipe. I got too too high, had a terrible headache, and was sick to my stomach from the spins. I hate it.
Later on I was introduced to some dank and I've been in love ever since.
yeah i remember the tin foil pipes i used to smoke out of at the bus stop before school. crumble that shit up and toss it when the bus came. lol.
why did you name yourself fox??? just curious
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Triptonic]
#300701 - 10/20/09 12:00 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Triptonic said: Cuz he raised one!
for real???????
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Fox]
#300719 - 10/20/09 12:07 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Fox said: Yeahh rescued and raised a baby gray fox. That's him in my avatar.
oh shit that's awesome. did his mom die or something? how did you find it?
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Magash]
#300726 - 10/20/09 12:12 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Magash said:
damn that's fucked up funny as shit though. how'd the show go? yall were walkin around the whole time like wtf?
Nah, we had a good time. Was a day on the green so it was all day long. Can't remember all the groups but Santana, UFO and Ted Nugent were some of the opening groups.
Haven't had any real good Days on the green since Van Halen, Metalica, Scorpions way back in 89. They still have em but not the huge 14 hr events that they use to have at least once every few months in the summer back then. Hell I rarely see shows in the huge outdoor stadiums anymore.
yeah i know what you mean. the all dayers are awesome man. at the end of it, you're just fuckin numb from all the music...and whatever else
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: First time smoking. [Re: Fox]
#300732 - 10/20/09 12:17 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Fox said:
FarBeyondDriven said:
oh shit that's awesome. did his mom die or something? how did you find it?
I live out in the countryside. A local farmer harvesting his crop accidentally ran over the fox den killing the mom and two kits, he was the only survivor. The farmer and his wife gave him to me to raise. It was like raising a human baby, such hard work..
is like a pet. i mean does he act like a trained animal or whatever? you still see him?
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Re: First time smoking. [Re: Fox]
#300738 - 10/20/09 12:31 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
so he's out in the wild now?
does he ever come up to your house or do you ever see him? think he knows who you are?
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: First time smoking. [Re: Fox]
#300743 - 10/20/09 12:42 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
Fox said: He's back in the wild.
Like I said he's pretty smart and I was able to read him well, after he was 6 months old which is close to adulthood I could tell he wanted to be outside and free.. I raised him indoors fearing he would run away if outside, which if so he would die because he depended on me.
I took him to a lady that has been doing wildlife rehabilitation her whole life, she took care of him and turned him back into a fully wild animal, found him a mate and right now he's running around free on a wildlife reserve most likely with a mate and and some full grown kids.
I always wonder what he would do if he saw me. I know without a doubt he would recognize me, but he's too smart to even like me now because in his mind I abandoned him but in reality I was only doing the best for him.
dude that is some really cool shit. helping out a helpless animal and now he's running free in the wild. i could see how you would almost treat it as if it were a child. he's a beautiful animal 
you could totally make a movie about that type of thing.
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: First time smoking. [Re: Inverted]
#300747 - 10/20/09 12:55 AM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
fox is the man
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: First time smoking. [Re: Fox]
#300860 - 10/20/09 12:59 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
yea it definetly is. good ones though i would say. young stupid shit lol. god i cant have kids for a while
my dad said the way he figured out i was smoking weed was because i would come home and go straight to the refridgerator lol
i used to take piss tests for him and one day i was like...uhhhh... lol
Truthfully, I'm a bullshitter

Registered: 04/22/08
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Loc: Greenbow, Alabama
Re: First time smoking. [Re: Farmer Joe]
#301598 - 10/21/09 10:34 PM (15 years, 4 months ago) |
haha farmer joe that's funny. nah i didnt take drug tests for my dad (cuz my he was a prick or anything) i would piss for him so he could get a job once in a while, since i didnt smoke weed...until that one day he asked.
then he asked me to smoke a j like 15 minutes later ridin around in the car....i was high as fuck lol