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Mind Pilot

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Understanding soil nutrients * 2
    #277657 - 09/09/09 12:34 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

Ok, this is a chart i downloaded from an agricultural website and have been using it for several years now for diagnosing plant nutrient deficiencies. This chart is not about Mary Jane but instead a general description for vegetable crop type plants.

Understanding Soil Nutrients


Soil Mobility

Nitrogen is not mobile in the Ammonium form (NH4+).

Nitrogen is very mobile in the Nitrate form (NO3-).

Plant Uptake

Plants absorb most of their nitrogen in the NH4+ and NO3- forms.

Functions in the Plant

Important constituent of the chlorophyll molecule.

Important constituent of amino acids, proteins, nucleotides, nucleic acids, amines
and amides.

Deficiency Symptoms

Stunting of the plant.

Yellow appearance.

Chlorosis beginning at leaf tips and extending back along leaf blade.

Lower leaves show symptoms first.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

All crops except legumes require additional nitrogen beyond natural sources to

produce maximum yields.

Natural Supply Sources

Organic matters

Water (Irrigation and/or rainfall)

Livestock manures


Soil Mobility

Mainly immobile, can move some in sandy soils.

Plant Uptake

H2PO4- on lower pH soils.

H2PH4-- on higher pH soils.

Function in Plant

Storage and transfer of energy obtained by photosynthesis and metabolism of

carbohydrates (ATP/ADP)

Essential component of coenzymes in plants which are involved in electron

transport reactions.

Integral part of plant reproductive system as a component of RNA/DNA.

Deficiency Symptoms

Purpling of lower leaves and stem on corn.

Corn ears will have uneven fill and curve at the tip.


Delayed maturity.

Soybeans and alfalfa may not show strong color effects but will redden lower

stem is P is extremely deficient. Both crops will exhibit stunting - forages will

have seedling development problems.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Soil pH, greatest availability between 6.0 - 7.5.

PHOSPHOROUS - continued

Low CEC soils.

Soil microorganisms - more abundant in higher organic matter soils.

Natural Supply Source

Organic matter


Absorbed phosphate


Soil Mobility

Potassium is somewhat mobile. More mobile on sandy or high organic matter


Plant Uptake

Potassium is taken up by the plant in K+ ions. Maximum demand by corn plants

for potassium is approximately 3 weeks prior to tasseling.

Functions in the Plant

Translocation of carbohydrates.

Starch synthesis (increases starch content in grain).

Activator of enzyme systems.

Plays important role in photosynthesis.

Regulates stomatal openings.

Necessary for normal lignin and cellulose development, which gives strength and

stiffness to plants.

Deficiency Symptoms

Marginal burn on leaves begins at the tip and extends back along margin.

Shows up on older leaves first.

May see poor brace root development,

Plants more prone to lodging.

Seeds and fruits shriveled.

Poor grain fill.

Legumes may die off.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Lack of soil moisture.

Water logged soils.

Low pH soils.

Recently limed soils (calcium has been shown to compete with K+).

Natural Supply Sources

Disintegration and decomposition of rocks containing potassium-bearing



Soil Mobility

Held fairly tight to soil colloids, but will leach out of topsoils in light textured,

well drained soils.

Plant Uptake

Ca++ exchangeable form. Absorbed from soil solution and also adsorbed off of

soil colloid surfaces.

Functions in Plant

Necessary for cell elongation and normal cell division.

Protein synthesis.

Affects permeability of membranes.

Important in the formation and functioning of root nodule bacteria.

Also important role in soil texture by aggregating colloidal clay and humus particles.

Deficiency Symptoms

Seldom encountered in row crops.

CALCIUM - continued

Uniform chlorosis that appears first on young leaves.

Retarded growth of terminal bud.

Grass crops - leaves fail to unroll.

Stunted roots.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Coarse textured sandy soils with low CEC and low pHs.

Conditions impairing the root growth will reduce uptake of Ca.

Natural Supply Source

Different types of minerals, such as feldspars, amphibole, pyroxene, dolomite,

calcite, apatite and gypsum.


Soil Mobility

Does not leach readily from soil, held on surface of clay and organic matter


Plant Uptake

Mg++, mass flow mainly, root interception lesser extent.

Function in Plant

Most important role is the formation of chlorophyll.

Aids in formation of many plant compounds, such as sugars, proteins, oils and fat.

Regulates uptake of other plant nutrients, especially phosphorous.

Involved in the translocation and metabolism of carbohydrates.

Deficiency Symptoms

Interveinal chlorosis of lower leaves starting at leaf margins and progressing

inward. As deficiency becomes severe the leaves turn reddish purple.

Symptoms occur most frequently in small plants.

Severe deficiency causes stunting.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Acid sandy soils.

Organic soils containing free calcium carbonate.

Soils with very high available potassium.

Continued liming with calcitic limestone (low Mg content).

Natural Supply Source

Weathering of minerals.


Soil Mobility

Sulfur is very mobile in the soil.

Plant Uptake

Sulfur (S2) is oxidized, sulfofication to form available sulfate (SO4--).

Functions in the Plant

Constituent of three amino acids found in plant proteins.

Component of glycosides involved in respiration.

Nodule formation in legumes.

Oil synthesis (soybean, sunflower).

Deficiency Symptoms

Stunting of plant.

Plants will have a light green color (resembles nitrogen deficiency).

Chlorosis may occur on the entire plant.

Corn may have striping of upper leaves (mostly young plants).

Legume plants (alfalfa) will have long and slender leaves.

Alfalfa plants will not branch normally resulting in a thin stand and delayed


Factors Effecting Deficiency

SULFUR - continued

Sandy soils.

Low organic matter soils.

Rain or irrigation water low in sulfur.

Natural Supply Source

Organic matter is the primary source.


Soil Mobility


Plant Uptake

Zn++, diffusion on soil solution.

Functions in Plant

Component of several respiratory enzymes and other enzymes.

Forms covalent bonds with nitrogen and sulfur.

Influence electron transfer reactions subsequently on energy production in plant.

Deficiency Symptoms

Light streaking of upper leaves which develop into a bread band of bleached

tissue on each side of midribs. Leaf midrib and margin areas remain green.

Plant will be stunted.

Severely affected plants may show chlorosis on all leaves.

Symptoms usually occur within first 2 weeks after emergence.

Soybeans - interveined chlorosis of young leaves, similar to iron.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Acid, sandy soils low in zinc.

High pH, calcareous soils.

Erosion of topsoil (reduced organic matter).

High levels of phosphorous availability.

Natural Supply Source

Most available is associated with organic matter.

Sulfide and silicate minerals.


Soil mobility

Iron is not mobile in the soil.

Plant Uptake

Plant uptake occurs in oxidized form of Fe++ (Ferrous).

Functions in the Plant

Chlorophyll synthesis

Metabolism of sugars.

Component of hemoprotein in root nodules on legumes.

Deficiency Symptoms

Corn and Milo

Severe interveinal chlorosis (develops on younger tissue first).

Veins of effected leaves may remain green.

Severe deficiencies - all chlorophyll may be lost and leaves turn white.


Appears very early in plant growth.

Yellowing between the veins.

Eventually entire leaves and stalks become yellow and almost white.

Eventually leads to loss of chlorophyll in the veins.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

High pH soils - increase in pH decreases solubility of ferrous and ferric iron.

Low organic matters.

Wet soils (poor drainage).

IRON - continued

Natural Supply Sources

Organic matter.

Livestock manure.


Soil Mobility


Plant Uptake


Functions in Plant

Activator of many enzymes, component of enzymes.

Known to substitute for magnesium in sugar metabolism.

Can be toxic to plants in high amounts.

Deficiency Symptoms

Interveinal chlorosis of young leaves.

General stunting.

Similar to iron deficiencies.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Humid areas with high organic matter soils.

Soils that have been drained and cropped.

High pH, calcareous soils.

Natural Supply Sources

Weathering of primary minerals.


Soil Mobility


Plant Uptake

Cu++, root interception.

Functions in Plants

Mainly associated with enzymes.

Deficiency Symptoms

Pale yellow color of newer leaves.

Die back of newer leaves.

Early wilting.

Most frequent in young plants.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Solubility of copper compounds like iron and zinc tends to decrease sharply as pH


High organic matter soils such as peat or mulch soils are more susceptible to

deficiency than mineral soils.

Natural Supply Sources

Mainly sulfide minerals.


Soil Mobility

Somewhat mobile.

Plant Uptake


Functions in Plant

Activator for enzymes, reduction of nitrates.

Necessary for symbiotic fixation of nitrogen.

Deficiency Symptoms

Uniform chlorosis of whole plant.

MOLYBDENUM - continued

Extreme curling of leaves which give “whip tail” effect.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

More severe under dry soil conditions.

Soil pH availability increases with increasing pH.

Natural Supply Source

Primary and secondary minerals.

Bound to iron and aluminum oxides.

Organically bound molybdenum.


Soil Mobility

Boron is mobile in the soil. Boron has greatest mobility of any micronutrients

in the soil

Plant Uptake

Boron may be absorbed on one or more of its ionic forms, but most likely will be

in the form of H3BO3 when pH’s are below 9.2.

Functions in the Plant

Sugar translocation.

Cell elongation and development.

Carbohydrate metabolism

Pollen germination (formation of seed in alfalfa).

Deficiency Symptoms

Mild deficiencies show up as mainly reduced flowering and seed set.

More severe deficiencies produce shortening of the internodes in the upper

portions of the plant.

Upper leaves become rosetted and turn yellow on most of the leaf surface.

Factors Effecting Deficiency

Low organic matters.

Overliming acid soils to pH levels above 7.5.

Natural Supply Source

Organic matter.


Soil Mobility

Chlorine is mobile in the soil.

Plant Uptake

Chlorine is absorbed in the chloride ion form (Cl-).

Functions in the Plant

Effects hydration of plant tissue.

Involved in photochemical reactions in photosynthesis.

Required for growth and sugar synthesis in sugar beets.

Deficiency Symptoms

Severe deficiency shows chlorosis and necrosis of leaf areas.

Wilted leaf tips.

Bronze discoloration.

Natural Supply Source

Soluble salts (particularly sodium chloride).


:guns: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Weakness :guns:

Edited by SpaceMonkey (09/09/09 01:55 PM)

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Mind Pilot

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Re: Understanding soil nutrients [Re: KaptKid]
    #279318 - 09/12/09 03:20 PM (15 years, 5 months ago)

no problem!
Been seeing a bunch of deficiency threads so figured it was time to educate. While the write up was intended for vegetable crops, the symptoms and cures are relatively close to our Herbs. As well as a little educational info on how these nutrients work and how they are obtained by the plants. 

Enjoy! :getstoned:


:guns: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Weakness :guns:

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Mind Pilot

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Re: Understanding soil nutrients [Re: FurrowedBrow]
    #292569 - 10/05/09 09:44 PM (15 years, 4 months ago)

No problem, glad you enjoyed the post/reference. :thumbup:

Will be posting a nutrient reference here in the near future! Look for it soon on the main site



:guns: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Weakness :guns:

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Mind Pilot

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Re: Understanding soil nutrients [Re: Dephect]
    #374385 - 02/26/10 09:26 PM (14 years, 11 months ago)

Glad you found it useful.
Now grow some trees!


:guns: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Weakness :guns:

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Mind Pilot

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Re: Understanding soil nutrients [Re: Dephect]
    #374615 - 02/27/10 01:07 PM (14 years, 11 months ago)



:guns: Don't Mistake My Kindness For Weakness :guns:

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