
Registered: 04/21/08
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i purchased fake urine today
#221138 - 04/29/09 02:54 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221139 - 04/29/09 02:55 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Rofl, i would of gave you mine for free man !
Master of Mopery

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Hydro]
#221142 - 04/29/09 02:57 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
prob wouldn't serve the same purpose
-------------------- GUNGA GALUNGA

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Hydro]
#221144 - 04/29/09 02:58 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
i live in AmeriKKKa
pretty much all jobs drug test
and they don't like the deadly drug known as marihuana here

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221148 - 04/29/09 03:01 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Its ok my piss is Canadian. Buried with alcohol, their is noway they could detect the weed with in all this alcohol. you could basically drink it and get drunk out of the 9.0 alcohol per volumes !

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Hydro]
#221151 - 04/29/09 03:07 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
did you just tell us to drink your pee?

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Harry_Ba11sach]
#221156 - 04/29/09 03:11 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
US? nha just USG543. What in god make you think i would want you of all other to drink my piss. like seriously !!

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221168 - 04/29/09 03:30 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
what kind did you get, like brand when do you have your drug test? let me know how it works for you Where are you going to be working?
I will be tested if I get this 2nd job that im shooting for
b0b gnarley

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221223 - 04/29/09 04:33 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
i've chugged 3 gallons of water today in the quest for clean pee

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Picklez]
#221244 - 04/29/09 05:22 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
quick fix
buy it off amazon.com (cheapest place)
it works.

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: b0b gnarley]
#221246 - 04/29/09 05:22 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
b0b gnarley said: i've chugged 3 gallons of water today in the quest for clean pee
that was my last resort but i don't wanna chance it if i get a good job.

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221250 - 04/29/09 05:26 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Just drink a lots of lime juice i heard it helps
Big Chief
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221252 - 04/29/09 05:30 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
usg543 said: quick fix
buy it off amazon.com (cheapest place)
it works.
That shit works... just make sure it's warm enough. One of my boys thought he could tuck it under his armpit (yeah, it's a small bottle, kinda like those lil elmer's glue bottles) and it wasn't warm enough so they made him wait in the lobby for 30 mins and then he had to pee, or get fired. He got fired anyway for failing. Just food for thought, he said he had the fucking thing under his armpit for 45 mins.
Don't they come with hand warmers or something?
-------------------- Big Chief, Big Buds, Big Pipe.

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Big Chief]
#221253 - 04/29/09 05:35 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
yeah they come with hand warmers
supposed to zap it in the microwave
keep it warm with a hand warmer
even has a (cheap) temperature gauge on it
they say to practice before your test
i've seen videos on youtube where people sow a sock in their underwear to hold it
i'll probably drink a ton of water/diuretics and take a b-vitamin and a creatine supplement... on test day just encase. (also i'm gonna quit smoking in the near future encase they do a salvia test, however i'm a pretty heavy pot smoker and even though i'm skinny and active there is no guarantee it will be out of my system as far as urine, so don't want to chance it)
i don't even have an interview lined up yet, right now i'm focusing on graduating, but preparing in the meantime.
Big Chief
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221261 - 04/29/09 05:42 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
usg543 said: yeah they come with hand warmers
supposed to zap it in the microwave
keep it warm with a hand warmer
even has a (cheap) temperature gauge on it
they say to practice before your test
i've seen videos on youtube where people sow a sock in their underwear to hold it
i'll probably drink a ton of water/diuretics and take a b-vitamin and a creatine supplement... on test day just encase. (also i'm gonna quit smoking in the near future encase they do a salvia test, however i'm a pretty heavy pot smoker and even though i'm skinny and active there is no guarantee it will be out of my system as far as urine, so don't want to chance it)
i don't even have an interview lined up yet, right now i'm focusing on graduating, but preparing in the meantime.
Good idea to get that taken care of in advance so you don't have to sweat it. Anyway, those are also great for on the job surprise test and accident test. Fuck, those things are so thin (the one's I've seen) you could carry it around in your pants pocket unless you wear nut-cutters. Probably wouldn't be good to carry the hand warmers around though because they activate farely easily.
-------------------- Big Chief, Big Buds, Big Pipe.
Big Chief
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Big Chief]
#221266 - 04/29/09 05:46 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
Forgot to mention I used to smoke so much before I joined the military (out now) that my piss was dirty for 5 weeks after I stopped. My recruiter kept giving me piss test before he would take me to MEPS for the real deal.
-------------------- Big Chief, Big Buds, Big Pipe.
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Big Chief]
#221268 - 04/29/09 05:48 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
good purchase man
that shit has saved me literally over 10 times. prob closer to 15
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.

Registered: 04/21/08
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: Big Chief]
#221269 - 04/29/09 05:49 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
yeah i wouldn't carry it around but i do plan to get one and have it close for surprise tests. maybe leave it in my vehicle... this could also get you in trouble though if stopped in a traffic violation or something.
really though i think its only entry level positions that drug test constantly. i've heard when you move up the chain they stop drug testing unless there is a reason.
Master of Mopery

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221270 - 04/29/09 05:49 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
usg543 said: (also i'm gonna quit smoking in the near future encase they do a salvia test, however i'm a pretty heavy pot smoker and even though i'm skinny and active there is no guarantee it will be out of my system as far as urine, so don't want to chance it) .
IME saliva tests are the easiest to get past. My friend went in for an interview and they asked if he could pass a drug test in three days and his exact words(he's not very smart) "we'll see". so he smokes a fatty with us and goes in for the interview(not having stopped smoking at all for those three days) and gets his mouth swabbed and gets the job. i actually don't know anybody who's ever failed a saliva
-------------------- GUNGA GALUNGA
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: tsollost]
#221272 - 04/29/09 05:53 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
i got a salvia test the day i was supposed to get off 3 years of probation
he had told me 2 weeks before i didnt need to come in the office again, that i was basically off probation. then he calls me in again.
i was worried, so i grabbed some liquid cleanser and thought i was safe. thats when he pulled out the saliva test.
now, i had been avidly smoking the last 2 weeks, and knew i should have failed. i took the test, and am 85% sure i failed. he took it into another room, came back, threw it away and said i was good to go.
it was the happiest day of my life.
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: tsollost]
#221280 - 04/29/09 05:57 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
yeah i've heard the same. but i like to play it extra safe.
i don't know if i can even get a job right now, but if i have the opportunity i don't wanna fuck it up.
Master of Mopery

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221286 - 04/29/09 06:08 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
definitely not worth the risk. especially if you are looking for more of a long term type thing
-------------------- GUNGA GALUNGA

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: tsollost]
#221299 - 04/29/09 06:26 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
yeah i gotta start my career. get some real experience.
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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221303 - 04/29/09 06:32 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
i'm gonna be using that in a few weeks for my test used it last year like a charm! so much for not blazing...
-------------------- I'm an electric smoker
ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.
Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: MistaUNGA]
#221308 - 04/29/09 06:49 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |

css tonight nigger?
green crack GREEN CRACK!!

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Re: i purchased fake urine today [Re: usg543]
#221372 - 04/29/09 08:52 PM (15 years, 10 months ago) |
ya i'm down for it
-------------------- I'm an electric smoker
ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.
Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!