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Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 4,736
Dr. Penguin said: So have any of you gone through with the experiment? I'm very curious to see first hand results. I have looked into this before but was discouraged by Jorge Cervantes. "UVB light is supposed to promote resin formation on buds. However, all known experiments that add artificial UV light in a controlled environment have proven that it does not make any difference."
some more info for those who want to read.
BC Growers Association UV and It's Effects
Here are a few posts from friends on the net that I've collected.
Posted by oldtimer1 on December 25, 1998 at 03:30:21 PT:
In Reply to: Didn't mean to 'steal' your handle brother!!!!! posted by Old Timer (2) on December 23, 1998 at 16:51:47 PT:
Hi there Old Timer I have a couple of other thoughts on why the quality of the vars has slipped in Holland I think the main one is the way they grow or should I say the type of lighting they use. Most of the strains they have came from America and were either developed under real sun or under big halides and both these sources have a big uv content. The Dutch are great gardeners and have had to use supplementary lighting in their glass houses for years so they can grow all the year round. The lights they developed were a highbay type such as Poots and Phillips fixed on grids 5 ft or so above the finished plant canopy . And of course they chose the lamp that gave the most photoactive lumens per w, the sodium lamp which has virtually no uv output. Of course when cannabis came to Holland the farmers son who decided grow a bit of pot used the same system as in dads 2.5 acre glass house. There is no doubt that all the most potent varieties of cannabis come from areas of the world where the background uv is high to extreme and that the potency and complexity of high relates the almost directly these uv levels. Cannabis is a highly adaptable and over a few generations change to new conditions and this is what I think has been happening in Holland. I could go into more detail but this is not the board to do this on but it does relate to your comments. It is interesting to notice that Greenhouse seeds have mentioned uv for the first time I think this must have come from Nevils input and if they are now taking this into account maybe things are turning to the better. As far the var you were asking about I suspect D J Short would be the man to ask, from I can glean he is a very private person. You could try writing to him care of Mark Emery sorry I cant help futher.
All the best have a great Crimbo all. Ot1.
O.K., but does U.V. content change genetics?
Posted by Uncle Ben Dejo on December 25, 1998 at 18:35:34 PT:
In Reply to: Re: Didn't mean to 'steal' your handle brother!!!!! posted by oldtimer1 on December 25, 1998 at 03:30:21 PT:
Read in a Tom Flowers book on forced mj flowering, that MJ grown on higher elevations, ie, 10,000 ft. tested for higher THC content. I assume this is the plant's response to this particular environment.
I have always rotated my plants between sun vice HPS, security and weather conditions permitting, and can't complain re potency and growth habits.
So.....are you proposing that genetics have been altered on a short term, or a long term basis, regarding particular light setups by the Dutch?
Uncle Ben
Posted by oldtimer1 on December 26, 1998 at 04:57:24 PT:
In Reply to: O.K., but does U.V. content change genetics? posted by Uncle Ben Dejo on December 25, 1998 at 18:35:34 PT:
I think it is a problem that has been developing through the generations. Wernard of [Positronics] was aware of it being a problem and now Greenhouse seem to be taking it on board. I haven't read Tom Flowers but high elevation plants that have been there for generations are high in thc but more importantly it is a lot more complex. On a short term basis a clone from a known variety Indica type will have a slightly more up high with the addition of uv during flowering but Sativas seem to improve a lot more with a much clearer up high. I would suggest that if breeding for seed indoors the addition of uv a/b tubes as supplementary lighting would help to improve the stock a lot . Your plants getting some real sun would probably allow them to express the potential of that generation. You can easily test this If you make a number of cuttings from a mum and grow half with sodium only and supplement the other half with sun when you can, I think you will find quite a difference between the two stones the more sat in the var the bigger the difference. Ot1.
TOPIC - The net is too cool DATE - Sat Jun 20 15:21:58 1998 FROM - Spliff
After a quick 'Altavista' search on UV and cannabis I came up with a few items that pertain to this discussion. Here is the first:
Pate, D.W., 1994. Chemical ecology of Cannabis. Journal of the International Hemp Association 2: 29, 32-37.
The production of cannabinoids and their associated terpenes in Cannabis is subject to environmental influences as well as hereditary determinants. Their biosynthesis occurs in specialized glands populating the surface of all aerial structures of the plant. These compounds apparently serve as defensive agents in a variety of antidessication, antimicrobial, antifeedant and UV-B pigmentation roles. In addition, the more intense ambient UV-B of the tropics, in combination with the UV-B lability of cannabidiol, may have influenced the evolution of an alternative biogenetic route from cannabigerol to tetrahydrocannabinol in some varieties.
TOPIC - Bingo DATE - Sat Jun 20 15:27:39 1998 FROM - Spliff
How about this one:
Another stress to which plants are subject results from their daily exposure to sunlight. While necessary to sustain photosynthesis, natural light contains biologically destructive ultraviolet radiation. This selective pressure has apparently affected the evolution of certain defenses, among them, a chemical screening functionally analogous to the pigmentation of human skin. A preliminary investigation (Pate 1983) indicated that, in areas of high ultraviolet radiation exposure, the UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties of THC may have conferred an evolutionary advantage to Cannabis capable of greater production of this compound from biogenetic precursor CBD. The extent to which this production is also influenced by environmental UV-B induced stress has been experimentally determined by Lydon et al. (1987). Their experiments demonstrate that under conditions of high UV-B exposure, drug-type Cannabis produces significantly greater quantities of THC. They have also demonstrated the chemical lability of CBD upon exposure to UV-B (Lydon and Teramura 1987), in contrast to the stability of THC and CBC. However, studies by Brenneisen (1984) have shown only a minor difference in UV-B absorption between THC and CBD, and the absorptive properties of CBC proved considerably greater than either. Perhaps the relationship between the cannabinoids and UV-B is not so direct as first supposed. Two other explanations must now be considered. Even if CBD absorbs on par with THC, in areas of high ambient UV-B, the former compound may be more rapidly degraded. This could lower the availability of CBD present or render it the less energetically efficient compound to produce by the plant. Alternatively, the greater UV-B absorbency of CBC compared to THC and the relative stability of CBC compared to CBD might nominate this compound as the protective screening substance. The presence of large amounts of THC would then have to be explained as merely an accumulated storage compound at the end of the enzyme-mediated cannabinoid pathway. However, further work is required to resolve the fact that Lydon's (1985) experiments did not show a commensurate increase in CBC production with increased UV-B exposure.
TOPIC - Differences DATE - Sat Jun 20 15:54:02 1998 FROM - Spliff
UV A : 320 - 380nm Used for UV Curing, Non Destructive Testing & Inspection. UV B : 280 - 320nm Used for Suntanning. UV C : 200 - 280nm Used in Dermatology.
TOPIC - Brief excerpt DATE - Sat Jun 20 19:07:50 1998 FROM - Lady J
"The MV (mercury vapor) lamp produces more UV-A, violet and blue light than any other type of lighting source commercially available. Cannabis responds to the intense violets and blues of the murcury vapor lamp by producing dark, almost bluish green leaves. Stalks grow strong but not straight and sort of zigzag between short internodal lengths. Side-shoot development is extensive, as is the formation ofresin glands on calyxes, bracts and larger associated leaves. Poetency is very noticeably increased when compared to clones grown under other hid lamps. Plants also rejuvenate faster under mv lamps."
Just part of an excellent article by Owl(one of my fave growers).
TOPIC - uv=b DATE - Sat Jun 20 19:27:55 1998 FROM - Lady J
here's a little info:
UV-radiation has long been known to be damaging to life; indeed this quality is being employed increasingly for the disinfection of water and for the mutation of microorganisms for laboratory experiments . UV-B affects plants and animals by modifying both their biological and chemical environment. Damage may occur in a number of ways, including the direct destruction of the genetic material DNA, deactivation of enzymes, disruption of membranes and other cell structures and the generation of highly reactive chemical agents known as "free radicals".
Although biological repair mechanisms exist, mutations may remain as errors in the repair processes. In addition, the repair mechanisms themselves may be deactivated by high UV doses. The interaction of all these processes can lead to a variety of adverse effects on plants and animals. Many effects are sub-lethal, may interact with other factors and may, therefore, be very difficult to attribute to UV-enhancement specifically.
Effects on plants in the sea, in freshwater and on land are of fundamental importance because of their position at the base of all other food chains. By nature, plants have evolved to maximize the surface area they expose to sunlight, but consequently their exposure to damaging UV-radiation is also increased. Elevated UV exposure can cause temporary or irreversible damage to photosynthetic apparatus (including the bleaching of the pigments which trap the sun's energy), to processes of cell division and growth regulation, and to the composition and replication of genetic material. Consequences include a reduction in growth yield, changes in levels and effects of plant hormones and alteration of periods of dormancy, flowering, etc. UV-B IMPACTS ON TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS
Increases in UV-B radiation:
Alter soil quality and the soil ecosystem; Decompose soil litter; Influence plant growth; Influence plant life cycles including timing of flowering, leaf-drop, dormancy and death; Alter biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, etc.; Affect susceptibility of plants to disease, drought, temperature and pollution; Modify the distribution of species within an ecosystem; Disrupt the terrestrial food chain; Alter inter-species competition for food, light and space; Damage eggs and larvae of terrestrial fauna.
TOPIC - ultraviolet DATE - Sat Jun 20 20:06:13 1998 FROM - casamere
tom flowers has a bit to say re uv from his flower forcing book:
Marijuana is thought to be indigenous to foothill areas with elevations of 1500-2500 feet [where there's high uv levels]. Many experienced growers will tell you pot grown at these elevations will be the most potent - up to 20% more potent than the same variety grown at sea level.
Growers use two or more 20 minute UV light treatments during the day cycle. Most [tanning] UV lights have timing units. [small face-tanning lights for 400w, full body tanning systems for 1000w areas. used tanning lights supposedly available cheap]
If you have to be in the growing area wear sunglasses that filter out UV light and a hat. The small amount of UV-b radiation these lights produce can do heady things to your marijuana. Don't get carried away though, the object is not to get the plants to glow in the dark.
Posted by Frenchie on January 07, 1999 at 17:08:06
All these new strains are made with kick ass lightning, there are no seeds breedders that are using fluo lightning so the plant after regenerating with so much light all his life tend to include this trend in his genetic pattern. They don't breed seeds for low light level YET> There are some older strain like NL that work well under low lightning. POTENCY> Metal halide coated cooler than sunmaster warm but the blue spectrum does some tricks with potency. let's say we talk about ordinary Northen light strain. I did always found a high level of CBD and CBN in NL when grown under to much red CRI. I think that since the resin is there to keep the flower from drying (natural no) it must make sens to keep the leaves alive and feeling well for a longer period so that the leaves can produce that thick enveloppe you need to keep those resin glands from oxidysing ( ouf) The blue spectrum will work on the resin glands to produce THC . Forrest of dreams.......
Metal halide produce the best potent weed less lumens for the money but better smoke. After years of testing with some friends who did want to keep THEIR recipe (more hps) i foung there weed to be harsh, full of CBD, make me eat and sleep, only good to sell to someone else taht you dislike. The blue spectrum will give you a final product that have everything included :taste without curing, potency and yield, To be effective a ratio of 2 MH for 1 hps at the most.(hps) Hps alone can produce a cash crop but not a connaisseur crop. Et Voila...
On Sat, 22 May 1999 16:25:56 Oldtimer1:
uvb, forget blacklight bulbs or uvc ozone types. The following was posted by nc a while back with some Phillips cat numbers. If you can't get that type add one or two tanning tubes to your cloning bench lighting. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DATE - 09/27/98 10:49:09 FROM - ncga TOPIC - UVB
Wow nice work guys buy you need a biy of help .. Below is the research I did two years ago
TITLE The positive or negative effect of UV-B light on flavanoid production or other aspects of plants.
To identify if UV-B light has a positive effect on some plant life. To determine at what point there is a diminished return. There have been some reports as to the positive effects of UV-B light in the increasing of flavanoids. These articles have been very vague in there description of results with no mention of controls or approach.
A controlled camber will be used for observation. The observations will be conducted in the floral stage of development. The plants will be grown under artificial lights. The lights used in this enclosed chamber are as follows. 1 400 watt metal halide, 1 90 watt low pressure sodium, and two 23 watt cool white flourescent bulbs. The chamber has a total area of 8.9 cu.ft. The chamber is enriched with CO2 every hour. The regulator is set at 12 CFH (this is only a visual reading on the gage with a +/-5%) and is injected every hour during the growth period. The chamber is vented for 10 minutes prior to the injection of CO2. The temperature is held to a maximum of 87 degrees during lights on and a minimum of 45 degrees during the lights off. The UV bulb used is a Phillips F20T12/UVB73. The bulb will be placed in a Lights of America 20 watt light strip. The bulb and cover were removed and a 20 watt bulb replaced with the UV-B bulb. The fixture was placed in the top, upper front of the chamber. This is the best location to prevent blocking of the 400 watt MH or the LPS lights. There is no reflector on this fixture. The plants have a distance of no more than 15 inches from the bulb. The plants will have an introduction to the UV-B gradually and at timed intervals during the light on periods. This will start with one to two minute on periods for a total of four days. This will be increased to 12 to 20 minutes on times for a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes. This will be divided into 8 total on cycles. The timing cycle is accomplished using an X10 computer control system. Limitations in the timing system is a min of 1 min on cycle. The other limitation is the increases are done in three stages with three separate timming programs to written. The nutrient level will be 28 CF (1800 ppm ) with two parts GH nutrient Bloom formula.
After 3 years of testing 4 crops with and 3 without UVB I have reached a conclusion. This conclusion is only based on my research and needs validation from other are needed to be definitive or conclusive.
The bulb should be replaced every year. There seamed to be some drop off in the results after the first year but the results were still better than without UVB. I noticed that some plants had a hard time acclimating to the UVB at first these low tolerance plant exhibited a lot of leaf "Curl or sunburn when introduced to the UVB however the younger leaves quickly adapt to the UVB light. It is important to introduce the plants at a young (short) age so a most of the plant is exposed over a long period of time . The results are not as prominent over the entire plant and is less noticeable. In other words a plant started with most of it exposed over its life to the UVB. The lower shoots if exposed when young will have more resin on them than those that were not exposed at a young age.
As to Flavanoids. The research that I did in 1994 about this hormone convinced me that it has no connection or very little influence on resin production or aroma. The closest correlating condition is that aroma has as much to do with nutrient level or even the nutrient used. This is reflected mainly in "original" or harvest odor. Resin production is not related to Flavanoids.
In a controlled environment the addition of UVB light at the rate of 20 watts per 9 sq ft would seam to be the amount need to duplicate these results. Also of note the plants can outproduce the outdoor plants in overall resin production . This is based on one out door test site.
UV Light research
Re: Fact sheet about calculations and specs
15 watt UV 17 * inches long requires standard 15 watt flourescent ballast
Coverage area 300 liters
30 watt light is good for 500 liters
Conversion cubic inches (divided by) 1728 X 18321 (divided by) = liters
20 & 40 watt bulb is the only ones that work mostly in the UVB range they also use a standard ballast. Have a spectrum of 295 to 320 cost of 20 watt bulb is $40.00 (min. Order is $50.00).
Source for bulb Universal Light Source PO Box 426200, San Francisco, CA 9412
What type of material is transparent to UVB light? - Only Quarts base material and very few synthetics
How broad is spectrum compared to FS 40 bulb? - The spectrum is the same.
TOPIC - DATE - 19:53:41 9/10/99 FROM - cedartop
vic, this might be a dumb one, but why did you put your group under the uv light?
TOPIC - DATE - 04:54:47 9/11/99 FROM - oldtimer1
cedartop There is a lot of evidence that the development of the psychoactive substances produced by cannabis are directly related to exposure over generations to uv radiation. Thc is one of the most effective uv filters known to man, what better way to protect the seed embryo! Historically it is well known that the plant looses the complexity of thc production over several generations when grown under less extreme conditions. ie if you take seed from the Himalayas to England and grow under glass it only has a 1/5 of its original potency after 4/5 generations, the glass filtering out most of the little uv we get here. So a few breeders are working with uv to try and reverse some of the degradation to seed stocks that has happened with breeders using just sodium lights. Also I suppose to prove if the suppositions are true! it is going to take several generations to see big changes and prove it one way or the other, but from my preliminary dabblingís Iím pretty convinced, we will see.
Vic yes they came from sag they were made autumn / winter 97 / 98!
Budm If you are out there give us a sign please!!!!!!!!!!
All the best Ot1.
TOPIC - Evolutionary Time Frames, UV Light & THC DATE - 07:12:19 9/11/99 FROM - Soul
Oldtimer1_~ High mate, don't get me wrong, but I want to challenge this idea of yours. Your hypothesis that cannabis evolved to produce greater THC levels as a defensive reaction to greater levels of UV light exposure seems sound to me. It's the conclusion you're drawing that bothers me:
You've observed the plants decline in potency over 4/5 generations. But is this occurring while the original generation's clones continue to maintain their potency? Even if so, that cannot be definitively linked to their UV exposure ALONE and it's much more likely to simply be due to breeding.
Have you considered the length of time evolution takes? It seems to me, the degree of evolution of species to an environmental variable cannot be detected in so short a period as 4/5 generations. The particular example you're interested in is the correlation of THC production to exposure to UV light...that takes thousands, or millions of years.
Your suggestion that the UV exposure is responsible for THC levels in cannabis grown indoors dropping over the course of a few generations shocks me. I would put the blame for the decline in THC on the UV exposure itself - not the effects of "evolution" over a few generations. Do you see what I mean? The plants are far more likely to be responding to the ACTUAL UV exposure during their own lifetime, than the lifetimes of their forefathers.
I submit that THC production is simply directly proportional to UV exposure while growing...with a genetic maximum level specific to each strain.
The test of this theory would compare the THC production of first generation Himalayan cannabis grown outdoors, to clones of the same plants grown indoors under typical MH & HPS lamps, and a third group grown indoors with additional UV.
I believe that increased UV exposure during flowering would raise resin production (easily observed) at the very least, but testing for increases in specific cannabinoids would be more complicated, albeit more FUN
Gentlemen - I yield the floor.
TOPIC - UV DATE - 09:21:14 9/11/99 FROM - Vic High
Soul, please email me sometime, I lost your email addy.
Thanks for the challange, it gives me reason to take the time to explain further Basically, under non selective pressures I agree with your point 100%. However, artificial selective pressures are at play here. Also, I agree, simply creating your seeds under high UV conditions will have little effect on future generations, you will just get more potent seedy buds. You need to use the UV in your selection process, this is where change can occur. My argument will make a few assumptions that are open for challange though, hehe.
First, lets consider THC's role and effects on a plant's overall health. It can be good or bad for a plant depending on it's location, for example, a low THC plant growing in a high THC environment is going to spend alot of energy repairing tissues damaged by UV. Therefore, it won't be able to be as vigorous as other plants with high THC. However, a high THC plant growing in a low UV environment will waste alot of energy producing THC, energy that could have gone to faster growth. Therefore, vigour could represent opposite traits depending on the environment.
And the most vigourous tend to be what we and nature selects for. In our case, our selection pressure are much more extreme because we work with much smaller population sizes. What would take nature hundreds of generations, we could do in half a dozen or less. Cannabis has enough genetic variation to allow this. Take haze for instance, how many are the bomb, and how many are dogs? By purely selecting the bombs each round (males included), it shouldn't take long to clean up the line and make it predominately bombs, less than six generations is my guess. However, we like to select for more than potency, hence complicating the issue, hehe. But how do we select the male's that are the most potent? Especially with our small population sizes?
Well first lets talk about the effects of population size and selective pressures and how they work together. It's common thinking that to improve a seedline from generation to generation, you need to reserve only the top 10% of the population for breeding. For faster results, make that the top 1%, the smaller the number, the faster the results. However, the size of your breeding population is also important to maintain vigour. The smaller the breeding population, the more likely you may end up pairing up lethal recessive alleles. So you end up trying to strike a balance between keeping your breeding population a decent and healthy size and placing as much selective pressure on selecting your breeding population. A larger population size would have solved DJ Short's blueberry problems, it's lack of vigour and deformed growth. IMO, of course, hehe, only DJ knows the truth, hehe.
Space is usually our limiting factor, you can only select from so many. This is where my UV ideas come into play, to allow me to select from a larger population. Two flats of seedlings can take up as much space as one or two adult plants. My flats hold between 48 and 72 seedlings, depending on cube size. My assumption is that if I can grow the seedlings under high UV, those seedlings with the most THC should be the most vigorous. And to top it off, the biggest plants put themselves at a bigger risk by growing closer to the UV source! So now, when you move from the seedling flats to the 5" pots, you save only the best "looking" 10%, hard to select based on anything else at this point. You should be able to further your selection in the 5" to 6" pots based on other selection criteria such as powdery mildew resistance, for example and reduce your population by another 50% before moving to the final growing medium. Take back up clones of each and then flower them out, steadily removing any undesireables and doing taste tests, hehe. By about halfway through flowering you should be down to your top 1% of the population. All the while, exposing the plants to high UV, giving those with the most THC a selective advantage.
It would be fun to back up these ideas with GLC data, but my connections are not that great, and I haven't found the equipement that I could buy for my persoanl Lab, haha. Anyway, I left lots of holes in my idea for further discussion or challanges if anyone wishes
TOPIC - DATE - 13:40:47 9/11/99 FROM - oldtimer1
Hi Soul a lot of what you say I agree with but as our government learned in the past cannabis adapts to its environment very quickly indeed and it cost them a lot of money. When we were a sailing nation hemp had been grown on a large field scale in Norfolk for the admiralty for several hundred years. In their wisdom they decided labour being 1/100 in the middle east they moved production to one of our protectorates. There was no other cannabis cultivated within the area and the first year crops were the normal single whip 12 to 15 ft long bast fibre plants of home within 4 years the plants had adapted to a short branched 5 to 6 ft plants were already producing quite a lot of resin which clogged the machinery and the fibre quality was inferior for making sail cloth or rope also the fibre yield dropped considerably. They had to produce seed here and send it out and that worked out satisfactory but costly and eventually abandoned hemp production round the med. As I have mentioned before JW Fairburn did light/potency research in the UK in the 60/70ís and to go with your theory found that Thai grown from seed taken from samples of impounded weed produced little thc under glass. But when given supplementary uv produced about 3.6% against .02% without. Now while this is quite reasonable considering they were leaf samples as Thai would never flower properly here. That goes along with your supposition that if it is in the genetic make up uv will help the plant produce more complex forms of thc. I had not meant to go into detail as we have been through a lot of this on this page before. But the experiment have been done many times before both here and even more so in the states! We should learn from what has gone from before not keep trying to reinvent the wheel. Your own government did loads of research via university grants in the past and the change period from a high thc low cbd to low thc, high cbd is about 4 to 5 years taking a southern variety and growing it in the northern areas! We are not talking about any selection here just grown field scale. Interestingly when taken back to the original environment they revert to the high thc low cbd form over a similar period. Where as a type 3 fibre plant as i stated above while adapting in form rapidly and while producing a lot of resin only adapts its thc production upwards very slowly indeed. Most of the varieties grown by us now are a mix of type 1 and type 2 plants mostly looking like type 2 [high resin hash production]. They were originally made in the states! It gave plants that would finish early enough in the southern states. As people in the northern states found they could grow them just as well under HIDís newer more compact varieties were developed and I believe they were very potent from the samples i tried at the time, things like northern lights, bigbud and skunk#1. They were drawn from genetics grown in the south where there is real sun! Now this is a supposition, but all these earlier breeders used big metal halides and they do give off useful amounts of uv! I suspect these early varieties had a good proportion of thc in relation to cbd. In Holland at this time they had been using supplementary lighting under glass to grow tomatoes and flowers for a while using the lately developed son t plus type of sodium lamps! All the wonderful varieties were taken from the states and the seed industry started to develop in Holland and of course they took on board the local growing methods lots of small highbay sodium lamps but in rooms instead of under glass. In my opinion the quality has been going down ever since! I have tried nearly every thing grown in Holland, I have grown some of both yours and Vicks varieties and believe me they stand above any thing you can buy in the dam! I suspect this is because both of you use a mix of halide and sodium which doesn't happen in Holland. By the way this doesn't mean they cant be improved hehe. I donít know what Vic is doing but If I was him I would be subjecting my seedlings and breeding stock to uv the survivors having the most adapted genes, a fast track back to the high thc combinations. It is unlikely that there will be any type 3 genes in the mix and given a few generations hopefully he may have some killer combinations, but only time will answer this I look forward to seeing the results! Soul Iím no scientist nor geneticist, a gardener yes! I just like this plant a lot, Iíve grown it for over 30 years, Iím appalled at what has been happening in Holland breeding wise. To me it is down to you boutique growers to take it to another level! DP say in their catalogue that blueberry has been tested at 19.5% thc, well that is all bullshit to me, do you know that the strongest Colombian ever seized by your government tested 9.7% thc. Iíve smoked both and to me the bb wouldn't be in the running!
All the best Ot1.
purchased UV tubes are:
Philips (Made in Holland) TL40W/12 RS UV-B Medical
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taken from: http://www.cannabis-world.org/cw/showthread.php?t=3523
Go over to gardenscure.com and search for posts by a user named freakshow68. He has a UVB growlog up, so do a lot of other people.
MFDoom666: sobriety kills my buzz every time.
The Feminizer

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 6,634
Re: UVB Lights [Re: coda]
#195230 - 02/12/09 07:05 PM (16 years, 27 days ago) |
You know for years I've been hearing about UVB light and the only thing I know if it made that much of a difference in potency why isn't everybody already using it. Cause I've been under the lights since before there were air cooled lights and once they came out it took about 30 seconds for everybody to switch.
Study this study that yadda yadda, once I see "UV grown bud" on the club menu I'll believe it. Until then it's just another greatest latest thing in growing that doesn't pan out.
-------------------- All creatures tremble when faced with violence. All creatures fear death, all love life. If we can only see ourselves in others, then how could we possibly hurt another creature?
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Registered: 12/10/08
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Re: UVB Lights [Re: coda]
#195266 - 02/12/09 08:01 PM (16 years, 27 days ago) |
exactly magash! its bullshit!
Edited by johnnyblaze2316 (02/12/09 08:06 PM)

Registered: 07/20/08
Posts: 104
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These lights are so cheap and easily obtained, why not try? I'm not going to try it, but if several people here try it out we will know for sure. Props for experimenting, I f'd up countless mushroom grows trying experimental ideas, but learned a lot more than doing the same tek each time. However, I'm quite satisfied with the plain hps grown tasties, so I'm kinda just posting this for no reason.
Dr. Penguin

Registered: 05/19/08
Posts: 1,036
Re: UVB Lights [Re: trichome]
#195525 - 02/13/09 10:16 AM (16 years, 27 days ago) |
A preliminary investigation (Pate 1983) indicated that, in areas of high ultraviolet radiation exposure, the UV-B (280-315 nm) absorption properties of THC may have conferred an evolutionary advantage to Cannabis capable of greater production of this compound from biogenetic precursor CBD. The extent to which this production is also influenced by environmental UV-B induced stress has been experimentally determined by Lydon et al. (1987). Their experiments demonstrate that under conditions of high UV-B exposure, drug-type Cannabis produces significantly greater quantities of THC.
I am a strong believer in the scientific method and the two papers mentioned in that fantastic post, quoted by coda, are pretty strong evidence to the contrary Magash and Blaze. Here is a link UV-B RADIATION EFFECTS ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS, GROWTH and CANNABINOID PRODUCTION OF TWO Cannabis sativa CHEMOTYPES. I will definitely be trying this on my next grow. While I agree with you magash that some of the most truly revolutionary ideas in cultivation are adopted quickly (air-cooled lights); without a means to directly see the results, some ideas could take decades to be assimilated.
On another note, does anyone know who 'soul' from the above quoted post is? I feel like I know his name. His post was exactly what I was thinking after reading ot1's previous post.
Happy Planting

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The effects of UV-B radiation on photosynthesis, growth and cannabinoid production of two greenhouse-grown C. sativa chemotypes (drug and fiber) were assessed. Terminal meristems of vegetative and reproductive tissues were irradiated for 40 days at a daily dose of 0, 6.7 or 13.4 kJ m-2 biologically effective UV-B radiation. Infrared gas analysis was used to measure the physiological response of mature leaves, whereas gas-liquid chromatography was used to determine the concentration of cannabinoids in leaf and floral tissue.
There were no significant physiological or morphological differences among UV-B treatments in either drug- or fiber-type plants. The concentration of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC), but not of other cannabinoids, in both leaf and floral tissues increased with UV-B dose in drug-type plants. None of the cannabinoids in fiber-type plants were affected by UV-B radiation.
The increased levels of Δ9-THC in leaves after irradiation may account for the physiological and morphological tolerance to UV-B radiation in the drug-type plants. However, fiber plants showed no comparable change in the level of cannabidiol (a cannabinoid with UV-B absorptive characteristics similar to Δ9 THC). Thus the contribution of cannabinoids as selective UV-B filters in C. sativa is equivocal.
good enough for me.
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln
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to one who is striking at the root"
~ Henry D. Thoreau
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Re: UVB Lights [Re: Yrat]
#195539 - 02/13/09 11:46 AM (16 years, 27 days ago) |
Happy Planting

Registered: 04/20/08
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i think we need a full text article of that publication for further review. the abstract says nothing about sample size, controls, etc
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root"
~ Henry D. Thoreau
Strike The Root

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Re: UVB Lights [Re: Yrat]
#195671 - 02/13/09 07:57 PM (16 years, 26 days ago) |
a side-by-side comparison/journal thread would kick ass.

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Re: UVB Lights [Re: coda]
#195798 - 02/14/09 12:19 AM (16 years, 26 days ago) |
coda said:

I've been pretty intrigued by this theory. Apparently UV light in the early stages of flowering encourages heavy, and early, trichrome formation. I've seen a few side by side grows and the results are pretty interesting. There is definitely a difference between using a UV and not. However there isn't too much info on using UV light in flowering, i do know it's detrimental to your grow when drying your buds. Also UV light is nasty stuff to work around, you need to turn the lights off when working in the room and you can't look directly at them (unless you want to go blind).
A big upside to this theory is that the lights are cheap and easily found at pet stores and online. Also they don't require massive amounts of power to run so your electricity bill is not really affected by running them. They're also small and versatile so you can fit them in a lot of spaces if your grow room is getting cramped. Once i get setup in my new place i'll be adding one or two of these lights to my setup to see how well they perform.
Also, FYI, MH lights put out some UV rays so if you have a MH ballast and bulb you can achieve similar results by running it alongside your HPS.
Ive had a small amount of experience with it. Negligable results for many reasons. The plant was huge and i was only able to use the light at the end of flowering for a couple hours a day. the plant was outdoors, and it was my first grow, so i cant say if it did anything at all, but the theory behind it seems sound enough. My buddy who loaned it to me is still working with it, ill see if i can get pics. He was using a medical grade light used for treating invitiligo.
I know that i plan on doing some of my own experiments soon.
notapillow said:
have fun
and remember...
your a beautifuly scummy selfish wreck of an ego stuck to a rock twirling around in an incomprihensible land of chaos

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Re: UVB Lights [Re: 42047]
#195834 - 02/14/09 01:45 AM (16 years, 26 days ago) |
Good evening everyone. A while ago I was on here as Eleutherios Rising. I have been over at ICmag alot and offline a while. Not that I ever made any serious contributions to anything. I'm just saying hello again rather than hello. So I have been following this thread on uvb over at icmag. I saw enough documentation on why uvb worked that I simply assumed that it did. I haven't used it. Hell I'm on my first grow still. Anyways, other people are throwing a variety of other supplemental light types in. None of these will obviously support a plant on their own. All of them though, are more light of some sort.
So one argument for uvb working is that the trichomes absorb them. So the plants must be acting as sunblock in response to them. What if the light is stimulating this not that its uvb or whatever other source be it infrared or any color of the visible or non visible spectrum but light itself. I mean think about your pulmonary system which senses CO2 levels but not O2. Maybe the plant reacts to light intensity nothing more. Perhaps once the plants base needs are met, it doesn't matter what kind of light it is. Kind of like once our needs are met, calories are calories to an extent. It was just a thought.

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Re: UVB Lights [Re: Sirius]
#196063 - 02/14/09 07:32 PM (16 years, 25 days ago) |
There is a relatively new type of HPS lamp that has become available. It is called the San Agro lamp (Look in _Grower's Edge_ Magazine for more than a few distributors. Basicly the designers of this lamp took a 400w HPS lamp, and added another 30W element to it, However, this new element puts out blue light, to help fill in the parts of the spectrum that a standard HPS is missing.

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Those aren't really that new. I think that they are more expensive with a shorter lifespan if I'm not mistaken.

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Re: UVB Lights [Re: Psilomind2]
#210574 - 03/30/09 10:05 PM (15 years, 11 months ago) |
Sirius said: I happened upon some more discussion about UV-B on another site and I thought I'd post here for our collective another more expensive bulb, complete with ballast ($75). Its more expensive than the common pet shop UV bulbs, but it claims to produce similar amounts of UV-B light as the sun, when its at the right distance, and there is actual data on the UV-B output. They also assert it produces very little heat. My friend doesn't have any intention of trying it out, at least anytime soon, but I thought I'd throw it out there since it seems more capable of producing UV-B light at levels resembling natural sunlight (from which location on the planet I'm not sure though ). I'll keep an eye on the posts of the guy who is planning on using it on a mover and see what kind of results he gets.
YO I HAVE USED :the double shop lights t-12's double em' up<four each side>,space em' out two feet or less,due to the spectrum dieing out,place em' on three of the four walls or you can space em out, i like to give em a side for a break, <weird huh>zoo med 10.0 flouros to fill the housing, it seems to me that the 270 -310 nm in the spectrum is so far on the purple side that it does not contribute to leaf production. where as 310 nm and higher produce leaf of course.so hps for bulk and zoo med 10.0 florescent for tricome psychoactivity!!!!!!!!!!! WITHOUT uvb in the environment , your hit, producing only wood!! The 10.0's are great cause they produce very lil heat and low energy consumption. I also put the twelve t-12 on a timer and because they are so low watt i leave em on for ten hours, one hour of hps to wake em up< to be nice >, and a timer for uvb goes on, and one hour before the hps lights go out, the timer shuts off for the uvb lights, they seem to yellow a bit but ,it is a tad deficient on the nitrogen. of course.my space is 5'x5' by 10 feet high so the uvb is everywhere quick n powerful!! when i harvest i have a lot of PSYCHOACTIVE TRICHCHROMES, before the uvb install i was not enjoying my meds as much if ya know what i mean,, the uvb is a psychoactivator for thc. It is a sunscreen to protect the Delicate and Precious Seeds, and it is a pesticide to keep pests from eating the, once again Precious and Delicate Seeds the plant produces more trichromes that are psychoactive than without from my triied and true harvests. hps has no uvb ,do not let anyone fool ya!! and i have not seen a production in leaf at this stage in nm of light. Marijuana is the vehicle for trichrome production, AND UVB IS THE INSTIGATOR!! NEVER GROW MARIJUANA WITHOUT UVB !! A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME, RESOURCES AND FOREMOST GOD'S BLESSINGS !! <I GOT CAPS ON HA HA!!> And do not have anything between the uvb bulb and the nugeeetz! otherwise the uvb will once again will not be present to do its job!!! uvb is filtered easily by ANYTHING BUT QUARTZ!! <<<< CHILDREN PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO BE DUMB ABOUT OBTAINING THESE LIGHTS AS WE DO NOT WANT THE ARM OF THE GOVERNMENT TO PREVENT US FROM UTILIZING UVB, SO LETS NOT LEAVE A TRAIL OF IRRESPONSIBILITY. UVB IS THE KEY TO GREAT MEDICINE SO LETS STAY AHEAD OF THE CURVE !!!> <THINK AHEAD AND DO NOT HANG AROUND STUPID PEOPLE AS THIS IS A DOWNFALL OF ANY GREAT GARDEN!!> I DO NOT HANG AROUND VERY MANY AS I KNOW WHAT SHALL EVENTUALLY HAPPEN, SOME LOSERS ENVIOUS WRATH!!! GOD BLESS GOD'S PEOPLE!! PEACE **ALL THIS IS JUST A STORY OF AN ILLUSION DO NOT BELIEVE THAT I AM AFFILIATED WITH ANY BREAKAGE OF ANY LAWS**!!! SUCKAMUTHAFUCKAZ
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I just added a Sun Pulse 1000W 10K light to my 11x11 flowering room. Currently the room is running 4000 watts total. Three Sun Pulse 2.8K and one 10K. All the lights are on linear movers in Daystar AC hoods.
I'm not conducting any kind of scientific analysis, but I'll let you guys know if I see an explosion in Trichome production. I'm hoping it can't hurt to try!
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Re: UVB Lights [Re: coda]
#673402 - 06/02/13 09:26 AM (11 years, 9 months ago) |
have people never heard of narrow band uvb phototherapy lights they emit 5 x the uvb per watt that reptile bulbs with no uvc and mucch less unnessecary heat and energy.

Registered: 12/04/08
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Re: UVB Lights [Re: Tsmit420]
#673407 - 06/02/13 12:23 PM (11 years, 9 months ago) |
-------------------- Dude she isn't as young as she use to be.
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