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I'm Back Baby
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daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce
    #178912 - 01/10/09 08:10 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

After a 3 year hiatus SWIM's lab rats have decided to return from hiding to tell the tale of their involvement with RC's and the resulting consequences. I will do my best to relate the story as told to me by SWIM's rodent friends. Please Bear with me, i will try to keep it short as possible without sacrificing too much detail.

SWIM was enlisted in a branch of the us military and was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. After several months of research regarding RC's on various forums SWIM ran into a street vendor in Tokyo selling various RC's. SWIM purchased 2c-e and Methylone and began to experiment with his lab rats. The results were wonderful and SWIM made the decision to order from several different online vendors. All orders arrived without incident and thus began a wonderful ongoing relationship between SWIM's rats and RC's.

6 or so months down the road SWIM by chance happened to come across some younger Lab rats who had discovered RC's as well. SWIM decided to join his rats with these younger rats as they appeared to know what they were doing. As it turned out these younger rats were not very careful and were mixing things and taking estimated dosages. SWIM even witnessed another give an unknowing lab rat, who had been drinking, a strong dose of AMT. During the uncontrolled barfing and confusion that insued the younger rats were telling the unknowing rat he was dying.

SWIM immediately decided to never speak to these younger rats again. They were dangerously out of control. A few weeks later one of the younger rats showed up on SWIM's doorstep begging SWIM to hold onto a pipe he was afraid his parents would find. the rat assured SWIM it only contained salvia so SWIM agreed. Before leaving the rat procured a business card with a mushroom and a phone number on it stating that this person had a excess of ecstacy he needed to get rid of and told SWIM to call.

SWIM of course ditched the card. It was too strange. The following day SWIM recieved a phone call from a person claiming to be a friend of the younger lab rat. He wanted to sell ecstacy to SWIM. SWIM immediately assumed that this was some sort of enforcement agency. SWIM told the person he would love to buy around 3 million pills and would pay be check...it's in the mail.

2 SWIM, wife, and friend had just given their rats a 24mg dose of 2c-e when BOOM!!! a joint operation full scale raid was conducted on SWIM's house by several of our most beloved alphabet friends. SWIM was thrown to ground hog tied and beat before being drug out onto the street and placed in a drain ditch before the entire neighborhood. Full SWAT gear M16s you would of thought SWIM was smuggling weapons grade uranium they he was treated. SWIM was then forced to endure 28 hours of interrogation, abuse, and all around mind f*** all during a full blown 2c-e trip.

After obtaining enough information to charge SWIM with everything under the sun he was released and began the charade of the military justice system. SWIM was originally charged with the possesion, use and distribution of each substance (6 to be exact) and the possesion of drug paraphanalia (the young lab rat's pipe contained THC). oh and apparantly When dealing with the alphabet entities sarcasm does not get noted (the warrant for the raid was obtained by showing the transcript of the converstation where SWIM offered to buy a million x pill by check.)

SWIM's first plea offer was 112 yrs at 50% which SWIM politely declined. Then immediately relieved himself of his military appointed counsel in favor of a much more experienced albeit expensive attorney.

After a year of court battles (courtesy of the military's lack of a double jeopardy law), in which SWIM repeatedly was found not guilty of possesing, using, or Distributing any CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES even under the analogue act, JAG took a new approach. All charges were dropped and SWIM was recharged with ART. 134 of the UCMJ. quoted as follows
“Though not specifically mentioned in this chapter, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces, all conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, and crimes and offenses not capital, of which persons subject to this chapter may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special, or summary court-martial, according to the nature and degree of the offense, and shall be punished at the discretion of that court.”

SWIM was sentenced to and served 1 year in confinement. I was not going to post this experience as related to me by SWIM's rats due to the possibility of a ban for SWIM's ignorant behavior but i believe this account may help show what getting careless with your research can result in.


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I'm Back Baby
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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Coaster]
    #178920 - 01/10/09 08:12 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

Investigation was done by JDEA, NCIS, OSI, and COD. SWIM cannot even begin to describe the terror that was being raided in mid 2c-e trip. For a very long time after the incident SWIM suffered from extreme panic attacks often completely flipping out in public places. Better now but man SWIM was crazy there for awhile. Not sure if that can be attributed to the fact that SWIM was on 2c-e at the time or to the whole situation in general. I think it would have been just as traumatic to SWIM either way.


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I'm Back Baby
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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Coaster]
    #178921 - 01/10/09 08:13 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

The interesting thing about SWIM's whole experience was that even tho several trials and a large amount of money were used, JAG was unable to convict SWIM for possessing a controlled substance. He was only convicted of "being bad" in the military. JAG's entire case revolved around the fact that had SWIM been called to battle during a trip, he would not have been able to perform. This leads SWIM to believe he would not have been convicted of anything had he not been in the military.


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I'm Back Baby
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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Coaster]
    #178924 - 01/10/09 08:14 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

Richard, i'm gonna have SWIM dig thru his closet and find his complete file on the courts-martial. i'm sure the actual warrant is in there somewhere. As far as their rights to seize only evidence listed on the warrant i have no idea but SWIM tells me they took everything. Computers, home videos, music recording equipment, liquidated bank accounts and 401k, camping gear, scuba gear, dvds and video games, all SWIMS effing fingernail clippers(WTF), everything. But some how managed to miss a bottle of G in the fridge door.

FYI SWIM NEVER sold any RC's. SWIM did share with close friend and wife so Authorities had no right whatsoever to take money but that sure as hell did not stop them. Just last year, 2 years after SWIM had served his time, the military took it upon themselves to seize $4300 of SWIM's income tax return with no explanation whatsoever. And any attempt by SWIM to find out WTF was dead ended by an endless array of BS phone numbers or automated lines. SWIM got nowhere just took in the rear again.

It becames painfully clear how the constitution and bill of rights goes out the window once "accused" even if wrongfully of any serious drug related charge. It's all just an illusion. If they decide they want you, they will get you.

On a lighter note as soon as SWIM finds his file i will post some transcripts of the actual trial. Esp on the ones where swim was found not guilty of possesing controlled substances. SWIM's attorney held it down. Good stuff.


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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Coaster]
    #178925 - 01/10/09 08:15 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

crazy story
but I do hate all these SWIMs and Lab Rats shit

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I'm Back Baby
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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Justice_Fish]
    #178926 - 01/10/09 08:16 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

ya well its the nature of the beast
here is a transcript from the case

TC: We'd like to call Snitch rat (SR) to the stand.

TC: Please state your name, rank, and unit for the record

SR: Snitch rat.

TC: and do you know SWIM?

SR: yes i do.

TC: and can you point him out for us today? (witness points to the accused)

TC: Let the record reflect he's properly identified SWIM.

TC: How do you know SWIM

SR: he's a coworker

TC: and how long have you known him?

SR: 2 years

TC: what if any trips have you ever taken with SWIM

SR: we went to tokyo once

TC: who went with you on the trip

SR: myself, SWIM, and L

TC: and was there anything unusual that occurred while you were on that trip?

SR: We took 2c-e

TC: and what is 2c-e

SR: it's a dangerous drug

TC: and what inspired you to take 2c-e?  What were the circumstances?

SR: peer pressure.

TC: and where did that peer pressure come from?

SR: (points at SWIM) from SWIM

TC: Can you more fully describe the circumstances surrounding that peer pressure and that event?

SR: i can describe what the drug did.

TC: Let's back up. WHere did you get the drugs?

SR: From a man on Roppongi Street; he was selling it at a table.

TC: Did you know what he was selling?

SR; When?

TC:  When you initially approached the table?

SR: NO. (it must be noted that this is not at all tru. SWIM was asleep in hotel room recovering from night before when SR showed up all excited telling SWIM about street vendor with RC's)

TC: who told you about 2c-e? 

SR: SWIM and L

TC: and what did they tell you about it?

SR: They told me the effects of the drug, that you would see things; you'd feel euphoria; it'd be good and it'd be fun

TC: SO then you went along

SR: yes

TC: why didn't you refuse to buy the drug?

SR: because i thought i would be rejected out of the group.

TC: were they your friends?

SR: i thought.

TC: what happened when you took the drug?

SR: i tripped for about twelve hours. I saw things like faces--colors, naked women with their heads cut off, images of the devil. I had stomache aches, pains. but no headaches.

TC: Would you describe it as good?

SR: no

TC: and what has been the impact of this event on your life and career?

SR: because i took 2c-e my friends and family look at me differently, coworkers.  i lost three stripes and about 1800 dollars.  served 45 days extra duty.

TC:  and why are you here today.

SR: i was given testimonial immunity in conjuction with my cooperation.

TC: and as you understand them, what are the terms of your agreement?

SR: to tell the truth.

TC: that's all i have your honor.

MJ: defense counsel?

DC: thank you sir.


DC: SR, how old are you?

SR: i'm twenty seven years old

DC: and how much education do you have?

SR: I graduated high school and have 3 years of college

DC: and how long have you been in (military branch)

SR: 4 years

DC:  prior to this event you were E-5 correct?

SR: yes

DC:    SO at the time you went to tokyo you were 5 years the defendant's senior and his superior correct?

SR: yes ma'am

DC: and when you went to tokyo you knew it was not okay to take drugs?

SR: correct.

DC: but you described this as peer pressure correct?

SR: yes, ma'am.

DC: but then you said you agreed to take the drug after you had a description of what the drug did.  That was peer pressure?

SR: can you say that again. (it must also be noted SWIM is loving this at this point)

DC: you said it was peer pressure from SWIM that caused you to take the drug but then when trial counsel asked you more about that you said after hearing a description of the drug you decided to take it Do you remember saying that?

SR: that's right yes.

DC: that it would be good and fun correct?

SR: uh huh

DC: and using that knowledge you made the choice to take the drugs?

SR: yes

DC:  In what way did you think that making a knowing and willing decision to take this drug could be constituted as peer pressure by a younger subordinate?

SR: I'm not sure

DC: Nothing further from this witness, your honor.

MJ: Trial Counsel?

TC:  The government would like to call Special Agent Dimwit (DW)

TC: please state your name rank and unit for the record

DW: i'm special agent Dimwit with OSI det 624

TC: could you do us a favor and tell us a little about what you do for the air force?

DW: i run criminal investigations out of okinawa involving high profile, large quantity  drug cases, and suspect terrorist activity

TC:  and do you know SWIM?

DW: yes sir he's right there. [pointing to the accused]

TC: and how do you know him?

DW: i actually ran an investigation on said person involving the traffiking of some analog research chemicals beginning last year, sir.

TC: and what was the time frame?

DW:  I believe it was October when we initiated a cas and we ran it for approx. 6mos

TC:  Can you tell us about the events on *************

DW: yes sir.  We were running a joint investigation with our sister services, the DEA, and another federal agency, the NCIS. They had gotten some information as well as us that some active duty members might be involved with the traffiking of some analog drugs.  We conducted a search on Mister SWIM's residence. We found him, L, and his wife in the house. At that point point NCIS took over the search and i actually began the intero-...interview with Mr. SWIM.

TC: let's go back for a second.

DW: ok

TC: what are analogue drugs?

DW: analogue drugs, they fall under two typical things, sir.  One would be phenethylamines, one would be tryptamines.  They have psychedelic properties and effects. you can get them from a plethora of places.  THey  have properties similar to maybe LSD and some other type of euphoric drugs that when you take them they give you these sort of effects.

TC: and what are some common streetnames for these?

DW: some of the drugs are 2c-i, 2c-e, AMT, 5-MEO-MIPT, 5-MEO-DIPT, it's a laundry list sir they just go on and on.

TC: so you were conduction an investigation on those analogue drugs?

DW: yes sir

TC: and when you went to SWIM's house who did you find?

DW: SWIM, L, and his wife.

TC: and that was all

DW:  no sir, there were 2 small children upstairs as well.

TC: whose children, unsupervised?

DW:  SWIM's, they were sleeping

TC: and what did you do with the people in the house?'

DW:  with the people, well, SWIM's wife, SWIM and L, they were taken into cust-- well not custody at that point, but we had taken them to question them and then the two children were given to a neighbor sir.

TC: when you arrived who was watching the children?

DW: oh they were sleeping upstairs sir

TC: and the adults that were at the house at this time, what physcial or mental condition were they in?

DW:  they seemed to be fine sir, but during the interview SWIM began exhibiting strange behavior.  He later admitted to have taken the analog drugs prior to our entry into the house, we knew he was under some sort of effect but he appeared to be doing well enough to take a legitimate statement.

TC:  were all three of adults under the effects?

DW:  We assume so

DC: objection

MJ: sustained

TC: ok what did you find in the house

DW: i actually didn't find anything sir. It was found by NCIS. Some of the--- we'd actuall asked SWIM what we would find in the house and he replied that we'd find some of the particular analogue drugs.

TC: where did he tell you you would find it

DW: he wasn't specific but some were found in an aquafina bottle and some was found in a locking drawer on his computer desk. Also found was 2 pipes and a highly accurate sale believed to be used in weighing doses for distribution.

TC: He admitted to you tha he kept drugs in that bottle?

DW: yes sir.

TC: that's it your honor

MJ: defense counsel?

DC: thank you sir


DC:  Good morning agent Dimwit.

DW: morning ma'am

DC: after the search of SWIM's home you spoke to him correct?

DW: actually during the search ma'am i didn't take part in the actual search.

DC: and at some point he knowingly, intelligently and voluntarily waived his rights?

DW: yes, ma'am.

DC: and at no point did you believe he was not competent to do that?

DW: no ma'am.

DC: really?

DW: yes ma'am

DC: Snitch rat just testified that during his use he saw visions of the devil and naked women, "tripped out" he said do you remember that?

DW: yes ma'am

DC: The trial counsel and yourself have presented the case that these drugs are dangerous, cause hallucinations, and would prevent SWIM from preforming his duty.  is that correct?

DW: yes ma'am

DC: and yet he was coherent enough to give an accurate and truthful statement and have the understanding of the situation at hand to waive his rights?

DW: yes ma'am

DC: which is it agent Dimwit you aren't making sense.  These are either dangerous chemicals or they do nothing which is agent Dimwit.

DW: i'm not sure ma'am

DC: just how long did this interview take place agent Dimwit?

DW: well into the night.

DC: and the following day is that correct?

DW: yes ma'am that's correct

DC:  almost a full 24 hours he was threatened and lied to and

TC:  objection your honor,

MJ: sustained rephrase DC

DC: no further questions your honor.


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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Coaster]
    #178931 - 01/10/09 08:23 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

:rofl: at dimwit

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I'm Back Baby
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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Justice_Fish]
    #178934 - 01/10/09 08:24 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

lol ya hilarious
thats a pretty insane tale
poor guy
suffered panic attax n all


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Re: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaawm read this story about this floozy and his run in with the law on 2ce [Re: Coaster]
    #178937 - 01/10/09 08:26 PM (15 years, 8 months ago)

fair and cool judge too:thumbup:

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