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where's my drug dealer
#178245 - 01/09/09 01:57 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
idk ive been fuckin with him for almost 2 years never done me wrong!!!! always has marijane always good always picks up the phone and i jus tryed to call and say aye man ima need sum later but his phone is sayin sum bullshit ive already called the local jail to see if he got busted and he is not there guess ill sit bak and wait......
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178248 - 01/09/09 01:59 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
maybe hes gettin some bomb poosay
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178252 - 01/09/09 02:01 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
nah he would still make the plays u kno.........i mean bout a year ago he got caught with sum roaches and that was V.O.P he did like 5 months but while he was locked up i thought hell ill call his phone and see whats up and ill be damn if his cuz did not answer and i fucked with him for about 2 3 months then i read in the paper he had got busted with more than an ounce so i said hell i call it again and someone else in his family had the phone but there is so much money in the game they are doing it had to be passed down u kno......

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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178254 - 01/09/09 02:01 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Or went on vacation.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Stoneth]
#178255 - 01/09/09 02:02 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
my dealer tells me be4 he goes on vacation lol he also gives anybody a free dmt hit hes super dope like that
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178258 - 01/09/09 02:04 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
dang well im sure someone will answer i think his phone is dead........but if he dont come threw i have other connections but i try to do all mine with him cuz its builds my creditability

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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178266 - 01/09/09 02:10 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
I need to go west Free hits of dmt I hate to say but the dmt I ve been smoking is free dude made it just because I wanted to try it.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178273 - 01/09/09 02:19 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
That's better than back in the day when people were going west for free gold...Fuck gold I want some DMT.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: mhbound]
#178278 - 01/09/09 02:23 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
I d like both and lots of it.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Stoneth]
#178283 - 01/09/09 02:31 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
his phone is still off can anyone in here cover me???? lol
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178287 - 01/09/09 02:37 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
wow u get a qp for wut i get an o
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178289 - 01/09/09 02:38 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Fo realll. How you manage that?
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: mhbound]
#178290 - 01/09/09 02:40 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
yeah coaster from what i read on here yall dont smoke MIDS i mean its good it shines in the light no seeds i mean its killa i think yall smoke more better shit???
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178295 - 01/09/09 02:49 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
well no one is gunna rite bak mhbound from what u told me we live kinda close idk though cuz everyone lies........im geting an oz for 100 29grams with tha bag i can get a deal 2 oz's for 185 i can get a deal 4 oz's for 375 half oz is 50 quarter is 30
prices jus had went down i mean a couple weeks ago i was paying 120 and ounce there was a big drug bust in Atlanta Ga, and that fuucked everything up for a while but GA got it bak on track bby
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178297 - 01/09/09 02:52 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
ya no mids around here only medical
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178299 - 01/09/09 02:57 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Put in my IP:
I live where I say...Don't really care who knows. Whats the worst that could happen.
I wish I could help you, but I lost my last MID connect about 2-3 years ago...He started selling blow and got busted. I only used him for my friends who wanted mids anyhow.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178300 - 01/09/09 02:58 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
there we go......problem solved i could care less medical or mids the mids here are great lime green orange red hairs after 17 years of none stop smokin i can tell the side effects
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178302 - 01/09/09 03:02 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
wut side effex?
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Coaster]
#178309 - 01/09/09 03:15 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
i cant remember shit, if i work on something i get frustrated really easy, i dont have pinpoint accuracy like say putin a washer on a bolt with tweezer's
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178339 - 01/09/09 04:01 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Polkaudio1 said: idk ive been fuckin with him for almost 2 years never done me wrong!!!! always has marijane always good always picks up the phone and i jus tryed to call and say aye man ima need sum later but his phone is sayin sum bullshit ive already called the local jail to see if he got busted and he is not there guess ill sit bak and wait......
lol @ only having one hook for nugg. Why don't you just call someone else?
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fgts just don't understand
keep the shit
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Doitagain]
#178340 - 01/09/09 04:02 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
hit me up 800-got-kush
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Doitagain]
#178377 - 01/09/09 04:59 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
AYE CUZ "DOITAGAIN" I DO MAN ALL OVA MY COUNTY EAST WEST SOUTH NORTH EVEN OUT IN THE BOONIES OF TOWN WHERE I AM but...like i said before i get creditability he comes to me i have no license Ive told story's on about the cops man but i do have some weed i jus got 3grams for 15 to hold me out till i get to talk to him
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178391 - 01/09/09 05:18 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Crack...Those dealers never run out...They'll make that shit out of baking soda, salt, and vinegar if it's the only thing around...You may be dealing with the wrong dr00g.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: mhbound]
#178443 - 01/09/09 07:51 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
huh i got 15grams of marijuana not crack???? i dont do that mayne
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: mhbound]
#178445 - 01/09/09 07:52 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
huh i got 3 grams for 15 dollars of marijuana not crack???? i dont do that mayne
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178449 - 01/09/09 08:06 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
i lived with an amazing drug dealer my second year of college. i lived in an apartment and he was the guy on the couch. he paid rent with weed...he would just smoke us out all day. he got there and started with a QP of mids and by the start of the next year he was buying multiple pounds of mids and half pounds to a pound of good ass weed.
he was such a good dealer...the king you definitely want.
since i moved i have never been able to find a consistent drug dealer that is cool or worth going to really. i had one guy for weed but he killed himself a few months ago...
good dealers are hard to come by...if you have one you should be very proud and hold on to that dealer...treat him/her with every bit of respect he/she deserves!
-------------------- The Bible's blind, the Torah's deaf, the Qur'an is mute,
If you burned them all together you'd be close to the truth, still
They're poring over Sanskrit under Ivy League moons,
While shadows lengthen in the sun.
Cast on a school of meditation built to soften the times,
And hold us at the center while the spiral unwinds.
It's knocking over fences, crossing property lines,
Four winds cry until it comes...
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: usefulidiot]
#178455 - 01/09/09 08:28 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
hell yeah man thats whats up and if u keeping coming ever day with them large amounts they gunna hook u up...
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178479 - 01/09/09 09:09 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
I was kidding.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178493 - 01/09/09 09:59 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Hay here is an idea, grow your own!
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Skunk420]
#178496 - 01/09/09 10:05 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
hey its winter and i have enough respect for my grandparents than grow it on there property even thought they have no idea what it smells like thats why im smoking 2 cigars stuck together loneways in my room write now lol
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178498 - 01/09/09 10:09 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Ah feel lucky, I cant smoke in my apartment, but sometimes I smoke weed..but i cant afford to grow or I would. I usually go in the bathroom to smoke weed or crack the window open some when I dont see anyone outside.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Skunk420]
#178499 - 01/09/09 10:11 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
yeah college? as long as they dnt walk in here i dnt even bother to open the window lol u kno they smell it!!!
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178501 - 01/09/09 10:16 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
fuck, I usually go outside to smoke anything..I find a good spot, and blaze a bowl, I dont smoke joints or blunts much.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Skunk420]
#178503 - 01/09/09 10:19 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
lol im still burnin this blunt i got about a whole one left it was 2 together but i try to stay away from joint,an bowls....
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178504 - 01/09/09 10:21 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
I hate mixing tobacco with weed, it makes me feel sick afterwards that is the main reason I smoke bowls.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Skunk420]
#178505 - 01/09/09 10:23 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
are u talking about the cigar wrap after i dump the cigars guts??? some people like that and its cool

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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Polkaudio1]
#178569 - 01/10/09 01:11 AM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
the dude can definitely be shady sometimes
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Doitagain]
#179260 - 01/11/09 04:48 AM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
First things first, get more hooks. Any hook is a good hook, no matter the price or quality. It's always good to have a option even if it's not as good or maybe costs more than to be without. Second, are you fucking retarded? Calling the jail to see if dude has been booked? Dude has already been booked before on some dope so you call to see if he's at jail again?

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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: mhbound]
#179278 - 01/11/09 10:42 AM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
mhbound said: http://whatismyipaddress.com/staticpages/index.php/lookup-ip
Put in my IP:
I live where I say...Don't really care who knows. Whats the worst that could happen.
I wish I could help you, but I lost my last MID connect about 2-3 years ago...He started selling blow and got busted. I only used him for my friends who wanted mids anyhow.
Damn man, you live like 20 minutes away from me lol.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Gurknel]
#179285 - 01/11/09 10:53 AM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
were is that
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: Gurknel]
#179340 - 01/11/09 12:21 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Gurknel said:
mhbound said: http://whatismyipaddress.com/staticpages/index.php/lookup-ip
Put in my IP:
I live where I say...Don't really care who knows. Whats the worst that could happen.
I wish I could help you, but I lost my last MID connect about 2-3 years ago...He started selling blow and got busted. I only used him for my friends who wanted mids anyhow.
Damn man, you live like 20 minutes away from me lol.

More people than I thought that would live close to me...Kind of odd. Haven't met any of you fuckers yet, but one day maybe...One day.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: mhbound]
#179343 - 01/11/09 12:23 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
That IP address thing totally doesn't know where I live.
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Re: where's my drug dealer [Re: PresidentBud]
#179365 - 01/11/09 12:37 PM (16 years, 2 months ago) |
Proxy?? I don't waste my time...I don't post picture or anything...Everything I say is complete bullshit. I have no idea what I am really talking about.
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