I'm Back Baby

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i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose
#152931 - 11/28/08 11:36 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
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Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152932 - 11/28/08 11:37 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: ltd]
#152934 - 11/28/08 11:38 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
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Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152936 - 11/28/08 11:43 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |

You need to pass out it seems. Sweepy dreamz lol
I'm yet to try Kratom I've got some extract that I ordered a while back but looks sketchy and I've read that extract is not the way to go?
I'm Back Baby

Registered: 04/23/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#152939 - 11/28/08 11:47 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
kratom pwns poppies r the sketchy ones extract is a good way 2 go

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152942 - 11/28/08 11:52 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
I'm not an opiate fan at all. I use OCs in small doses as keep alerts. A few weeks ago I railed a couple of morphines just end up feeling fantastic for 3 hours followed by puking for 6. Screw that. I got this damned Kratom sitting around looking at me though. Guess I gotta explore it sometime. Says 20X extract.
I'm Back Baby

Registered: 04/23/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#152943 - 11/28/08 11:54 PM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
ya vomiting is no go unless its aya or mescy id take 2-3 Gs of 20x

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152947 - 11/29/08 12:06 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
Hmmm. I've only got 1 gram I think. Any good at all?
I'm Back Baby

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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#152948 - 11/29/08 12:07 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
ya do it i have a higher tolerance than i thought i can still see str8

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152949 - 11/29/08 12:14 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
My tolerances lean low in spite of all that I do. Sounds like it might be worth a run. No offense but I'd like to hear from other's too though. We all know you too well. lol
I'm Back Baby

Registered: 04/23/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#152950 - 11/29/08 12:15 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
wuts that supposed 2 mean

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152952 - 11/29/08 12:18 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
Once upon a time NP. Remember. I'm an old fart these days. lol. I can't hang with your level of droogz quite anymore.
Get all defensive like a little bitch why don't ya?
I'm Back Baby

Registered: 04/23/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#152954 - 11/29/08 12:23 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152962 - 11/29/08 12:44 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
Yeah. I know. I'll leave ya alone fer da nite.

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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#152997 - 11/29/08 01:20 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
Kratom is tight. I liked it.
You can kind of split the Kratom experience in to two. The first half is a speedy caffiene like buzz (only intensified), and the second half is very relaxing, to be honest I usually just space the fuck out on that stuff, lolz, but it is nice.
I'm Back Baby

Registered: 04/23/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: islandgrower]
#152998 - 11/29/08 01:22 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
still beLIEve
State Property..Again

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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: Coaster]
#152999 - 11/29/08 01:22 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.

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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: still beLIEve]
#153003 - 11/29/08 01:25 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
Me saying it is nice should hold some weight. I'm not big on the opiate highs. But kratom works for me.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: islandgrower]
#153004 - 11/29/08 01:26 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
islandgrower said: Kratom is tight. I liked it.
You can kind of split the Kratom experience in to two. The first half is a speedy caffiene like buzz (only intensified), and the second half is very relaxing, to be honest I usually just space the fuck out on that stuff, lolz, but it is nice.
Thanks for that. Gives me something to think about or at make sure I time it right for me. I normally don't like speedy these days at all outside of certain time frames. I think I'll love it if I do it right for me timing wise though.
Edited by TripityDooDaDay (11/29/08 01:28 AM)
still beLIEve
State Property..Again

Registered: 04/20/08
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Loc: a world thats not my own
Re: i mite pass out at any minute i took a heroic kratom dose [Re: TripityDooDaDay]
#153007 - 11/29/08 01:26 AM (16 years, 3 months ago) |
kratom didnt do anything to me
-------------------- niteowl said:
See, that term pedo gets thrown around a lot.
Is a 16 year old guy having sex w/a 16 year old girl a pedophile?
If not, then how is a 30 year old considered a pedophile for doing the same thing?
I think y'all need to look up the definition for pedophile.