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Registered: 04/20/08
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Share your outdoor tips
#131 - 04/20/08 12:56 AM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
* Tell noone about your spot in the woods, things get much too complicated when other people start finding out; you tell one person and sometimes the number of people that know grows exponentially. So it's best to keep it as down low as possible.
* Make sure your close to a water source, when the rain stops coming you don't wanna be stuck lugging water farther then needed.
* When harvest time comes, do it at nighttime, and don't use flashlights, just let your eyes adjust, but if your stuck using one, at least wait to use it when your far enough in the woods.
Keep em comming people, and welcome to the new forum.

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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: LuNaTiX]
#688 - 04/20/08 09:26 AM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
If you live in an area with a dense deer or elk population, you know how ravenous and destructive these beasts can be, sometimes eating every bud right off the stems.
I've found a few things to help in my situation. I've usually tried them all at once, so I cannot guarantee the effectiveness of each individual precaution.
1) Deer have an excellent sense of smell and try to avoid predators when possible. I like to collect dog hair when I can, spreading a little out each time I visit the grow. I do not recommend using your own hair (only for fear that it could be used as evidence against you.)
2) (This one is weird, I know, but...) I like to fill 20 oz. bottles with my own urine. When I transplant into the ground I like to bury the bottle all the way up to the neck, just under the cap. When I am done planting, I take the cap off (or puncture a hole in the cap) so that the smell constantly wafts out of the bottle. I know this will dilute with rain, but I find that some always remains.
3) When possible try to visit the site frequently. This is particularly easy during planting and sexing, but try to make a few extra trips in between. I think the most effective method of keeping deer away is to make your presence known. My first grow was in a field that had been laid down by deer for years.

Registered: 04/20/08
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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: labrat265]
#4016 - 04/20/08 10:47 PM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
Thought I might add that if you visit the site frequently, be sure to take a different route each time, trails are not hard to be made when your walkin through them often, and people tend to just wonder in the woods (dont ask why) and follow random trails.

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 675
Re: Share your outdoor tips *DELETED* [Re: labrat265]
#4070 - 04/20/08 11:00 PM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
Post deleted by lampshadehelmetReason for deletion: k
Edited by wishcouldeletethis (04/20/08 11:01 PM)

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 141
Polymer crystals reduce watering. Polymer granules absorb water like a sponge and release when soil dries. Soil moist is what i got. cheap stuff. says to reduce watering by 50% and last several seasons.
-------------------- DRUGS, responsible for teaching America the metric system.
Edited by MeroMero (04/22/08 10:41 PM)
just me

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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: MeroMero]
#7635 - 04/22/08 12:42 AM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
hahaha. so far every one of these is right on the $
one thing i kinda have to dissagree with, is that maing your presence known wards off deer. deer are naturally curious animals, and from years of hunting ive found they often travel the path a human has taken, like follow their footsteps in mud and such. if you do go into the woods, do the exact opposite of shrooms, be a little dirty. freshly cleaned means no natural scents that keep deer away. i Also pee in bottles, i save a few under the sink so i can grab them when i make a trip.
this doesnt keep away possums for some reason...anyone know how to keep them away, i dont want to kill them. even if they are nasty.
aloha peacelove, just me
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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: just me]
#7825 - 04/22/08 01:30 AM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
Mero is a drunken dingleberry. wtf are polymer crystals?
-and for all your ETHNO SEEDS needs come see us @ www.freeseedring.nl
Happy Planting

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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: just me]
#8326 - 04/22/08 11:04 AM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
i usually piss around plants to keep deer away, but as for possum, maybe some soap shavings or moth balls? If that fails get some predator urine used for hunting, coyote/fox should work well.
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root"
~ Henry D. Thoreau
Strike The Root

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Re: Share your outdoor tips *DELETED* [Re: Yrat]
#8574 - 04/22/08 02:20 PM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
Post deleted by lampshadehelmetReason for deletion: k
whippits n ribs

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make sure you pick a spot with good sunlight. This is important if you live in the woods or a place that has drastic elevation changes

heady nugz
Happy Planting

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lampshadehelmet said: Soap actually attracts animals, do not do that.
um what? have you personally experienced this?
I've had numerous calls about controlling bunnies, deer etc from eating flowering plants. I have turned to America's Master Gardener for a consultation and Jerry Baker writes in his book this recipe to stave off the plant eating critters. Here Goes...
Jerry recommends a concoction that contains
1/2 cup of original Murphy's Oil Soap
Varmint Control 1/2 c Murphy's Oil Soap 1/2 c lemon scented dishwashing liquid 1/2 c castor oil 1/2 c lemon scented ammonia 1/2 c HOT pepper sauce 1/2 c urine Mix in a 20 gallon hose-end sprayer and apply to the point of run-off to area that needs protecting.
--Deer do not like the scent of soap or aftershave. Perhaps this is why hunters avoid using any scented toiletries before they go out deer hunting. So, this is one that might be easier on the nostrils than the rotten egg approach!
--Hang small bars of soap from the branches of trees and shrubs. You can either hang them in panty hose, or you can poke holes into the bars of soap, run twine through them, and tie them about twenty feet apart on branches of trees and shrubs. You can also hang soap from stakes placed every few feet around plants in the perennial boarder. The beauty of using scented soaps is that they will retain their odor for a long time, and do not need to be reapplied after every rain.
..varmint control. Using an array of unusual weapons—beer, dish soap, golf balls, soda pop, and even minty mouthwash
"Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded." - Abraham Lincoln
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil
to one who is striking at the root"
~ Henry D. Thoreau
Strike The Root

Registered: 04/20/08
Posts: 675
Re: Share your outdoor tips *DELETED* [Re: Yrat]
#9085 - 04/22/08 07:16 PM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
Post deleted by lampshadehelmetReason for deletion: k
Edited by wishcouldeletethis (04/22/08 11:48 PM)
purple too!

Registered: 04/20/08
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#1 dont take the same trail to your grow every time
#2 dont tell ANYONE
#3 dont build traps
just me

Registered: 04/21/08
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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: GreenStuff]
#10739 - 04/23/08 04:46 PM (16 years, 10 months ago) |
yeah i heard irish spring is a no no, but that mix sounds good.
i have to disagree that predator urine scares possums away, they litterally dont give a shit about anything. they can be attacked in there territory daily and never leave. ive seen this on numerous occasions. the more i think about it theyre kinda cool. but theyre just sooooooo ugly....eww
lucky me, i dont ever take any trails, i walk a creek to get where i grow, so no footprints ever 
MEROMEROMEROMERO, i was just joshin ya man. i sowwy! come back! take cred for the tip man, you were the first to mention it.
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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: just me]
#22709 - 05/08/08 10:39 AM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
death to possums they dont do shit
1. leave trash your fucked
2.do not plant in too dense of an area with no sunlight
3. work with your best friend for maximum brainpower and efficiency
4. piss works for deer but keep it fresh
5. pricker barriers are the fucking shit, ive once gotten entangled in my own trap because they rooted into the ground and went nuts
peace, silentgrow

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 141
Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: silentgrow]
#36035 - 05/21/08 07:25 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
what about squirrels? anybody ever have a problems with em. Im about to have a garden of veggies and shit. i heard they dig stuff up
-------------------- DRUGS, responsible for teaching America the metric system.
just me

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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: MeroMero]
#36095 - 05/21/08 08:10 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
they do. and mice and rabits and armadillo and possum.
pee pee around the plants.
put some chicken wire aroundthem till theyre big enough to not be apetizing to little rodents and such
-and for all your ETHNO SEEDS needs come see us @ www.freeseedring.nl

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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: just me]
#36122 - 05/21/08 08:28 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
i like poop and pee right next to my plant. scares everyone away.

Registered: 04/21/08
Posts: 141
Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: Voodoo]
#36449 - 05/21/08 11:08 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
poop! yes thats a good idea. I should lay one of my stinky loads that shit would keep everybody clear! lol. Hey i heard that if you blast those little guys with a pellet gun a few times, it will keep them clear. i dont want to kill them, maybe a leg shot. It'l be like hunting. Anyone know if it s true?
-------------------- DRUGS, responsible for teaching America the metric system.
Edited by MeroMero (05/21/08 11:09 PM)
just me

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Re: Share your outdoor tips [Re: MeroMero]
#36487 - 05/21/08 11:32 PM (16 years, 9 months ago) |
hahaha, youll end up stepping in it! 
that shit sux...especially in sandals...
me and my uncle(he was such a wierdo, but the best guy in the world) used to go out into cow fields and find the hot fresh patties and step in em barefoot
-and for all your ETHNO SEEDS needs come see us @ www.freeseedring.nl