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any weight lifters in here?
#125634 - 09/26/08 04:01 AM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
Anyone here lift weights on a regular basis? I generally lift on and off and usually only make it into the gym 1-2 times per week
Starting next week I am going to hit the gym 3-4 times a week and set up an actual workout regiment to stick to
Anyone else into staying fit?

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Picklez]
#125649 - 09/26/08 10:04 AM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
yes, i lift 5-6 days a week, run 2-3 miles every day (sprints), do aerobic chair stepping 30 minutes 6 days a week, and bike on a stationary bike 6 days a week. abdominals and forearms are worked every day usually following my lifting routine or during my aerobic chair step routine.
for abs i do crunches, leg raises, v ups, frog kicks, bicycles, ab bridge, sit ups, whichever i feel like doing on any given day
for forearms i squeze isometric stress balls, use a wrist roller and do forearm lifting with barbells
here is how i lift, all exercises are done with utmost care and attention is payed to my form. perfect form is the absolutely most important thing. I do not go up in weight unless my form is perfect and I can easily do my reps without sacrificing form.
MONDAYS and THURSDAYS - 20-30 minute barbell routine
clean and press - 2-3 sets of 8 reps barbell squat - 2-3 sets of 12 reps barbell pull overs - 3 sets of 8 reps good mornings - 2-3 sets of 8 reps bench press - 3 sets of 8 reps
TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS - overall development routine
overhand pullovers (pull ups) 3 sets of 7 followed by a isometric hold
dips on the dip bar - 3 sets of how ever many i can do (usually 7-11 reps)
squats - 2-3 sets of 6 reps
leg press OR lunges or cable work for legs - 2-3 sets of 6
bench press, 2-3 sets of 6
calisthetic exercise where i jump rope for a minute, then without stopping, immediately move on to push ups, do push ups till failure then immediately move back to jump roping, do this 3 times each (gets ur heart pumping immensely, awesome for burning calories one of my favorite things)
cable lat pull downs - 3 sets of 6 reps
cable weighted rowing machine (proper name?)- 3 sets of 6 reps
upright row OR shoulder press OR dumbell lateral raise (2 of either exercise) 3 sets of 6
tricept pulldown OR behind the head tricept extension - 2-3 sets of 6
WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS (sometimes i take wednesdays off) - Cicuit training routine
these days are fun, I do every exercise without taking any break so that my heart rate stays up through the entire workout. in turn you burn my more fat and calories than you would if you were taking breaks between sets.
Pullups - as many as i can do
immediately move to next exercise
smith machine squats - 12 reps
immediately move to next exercise
cable chest press or pushups - 12 reps
immediately move to next exercise
run at a fast pace on treadmill for a quarter mile
immediately move to next exercise
cable lat pulldowns - 12 reps
immediately move on to next exercise
cable curls - 12 reps
immediately move to next exercise
cable machine weighted row - 12 reps
immediately go to next exercise
cable tricept pulldown - 12 reps
immediately go to next exercise
lateral raise OR military press - 12 reps
repeat 1 or 2 more times
and thats about how it goes for me on a weekly basis.

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Voodoo]
#125650 - 09/26/08 10:07 AM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
Jesus fucking Christ dude.

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Cannabliss]
#125651 - 09/26/08 10:10 AM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
Nope i smoke to much damn weed
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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Voodoo]
#125740 - 09/26/08 05:32 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
Damn Voodoo that is quite the regiment you got there. Mine will be quite a bit less strenuous than your yours. Circuit training is a bit unnecessary for what I am trying to do which is GAIN weight while adding muscle mass.
Sounds like your main purpose behind working out is to lose weight and tone what you already have, no?
I think I am going to steal little parts of your work out, add some of my own. Post it up and see what you think. I also need to work on my protein/ calorie intake but thats another story
Edited by KillerPicklez (09/26/08 05:39 PM)

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Picklez]
#125746 - 09/26/08 05:52 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
I work out 3 times a week one day ill do upper body and abs, usually do 2 sets of flat bench, 8 reps each, 1 set 8 reps incline and a set 8 reps decline, Then ill just do free weights for bicepts and tricepts, then i do decline situps with a 45 on my chest.
Next day ill do like a 2 mile run
Next day i do legs and abs. Squats, calf exercises 3 sets of 10 reps. Then crunches until i cant anymore lol.
Next day ill run 2 more miles
Next day back and abs. I deadlift, 3 sets of 10 reps, then i do supermans, 3 sets of 8. and then i do russian twists for abs.
Its a pretty nice workout for the week.
-------------------- Ive never grown or taken any illegal drugs
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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: NiCKh609]
#125749 - 09/26/08 05:54 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
i usually get real blasted and do a push up or so its fwwwun

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: NiCKh609]
#125750 - 09/26/08 05:55 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
Im not a big fan of running, plus I do enough cardio walking around this bitch campus at 100 degrees everyday.
I think when I set up my plan I am going to have it being nearly 100% upperbody and abs. My legs are pretty beast anyways. I occasionally jump on the leg press just to pump out a couple sets but fuck running

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Picklez]
#125757 - 09/26/08 06:53 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
KillerPicklez said: Damn Voodoo that is quite the regiment you got there. Mine will be quite a bit less strenuous than your yours. Circuit training is a bit unnecessary for what I am trying to do which is GAIN weight while adding muscle mass.
Sounds like your main purpose behind working out is to lose weight and tone what you already have, no?
yeah, i'm not trying to gain muscle mass at all. I am trying to become as strong as possible with out losing any speed in my sprints. When you get bulky muscles you lose speed in limb movements, thats why most pro-athletes do not have that body builders type of body.
don't get me wrong, I do all the same lifting exercises and techniques as arnold or any big time lifter would, its just the speed of my lifting workouts and the amount of reps i do that keeps me at smaller leaner muscle mass type body.
If i were to try to build big muscle mass I would do a couple warmups on most of my exercises, take about 2-3 minute breaks between sets and do LOW reps with my serious sets, something like 2-5 reps per set and as much weight I could possibly do. I would cut out most of my cardio (i would keep maybe do 30 minutes of slow cardio a day at max) because when you are doing cardio you are working your slow twitch muscle fibers, which are the cardio muscle fibers, it interferes with the fast twitch muscle fibers, which are the ones that are used for anaerobic training (for example: weight lifting).
also I would DEFINATELY look into muscle mass building suplements. I know for a fact creatine will give ur muscles a very nice pump also will make you able to lift more weight. also make sure your taking in the same amount of protein in grams as your body weight (eg if you weight 200 lbs you want 200 grams of protien a day). there are a bunch of different supplements that are suposed to help build muscle mass that I dont know of off the top of my head because I do not do any suplements, just protien shakes and protien bars.
if you really want to get big you might wanna look for some steroids. if i were trying to get my biggest i would probably get some roids, they probably aernt as dangerous as the media portrays them to be just as the media hypes up most illegal drugs. but take that with a grain of salt or whatever because that stuff i hear can mess up your liver and all that so be careful
Edited by Voodoo (09/26/08 06:58 PM)
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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Voodoo]
#125759 - 09/26/08 06:55 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Voodoo]
#125760 - 09/26/08 07:00 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
steriods are a little above my goals. I am currently about 135lbs an just under 6'0, so my goal is to get up to around 150-170 and hope I can do that with increase calorie/ protein intake and just hitting the iron
thank you for all your imput, you know what you are talking about
I'm Back Baby

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Picklez]
#125770 - 09/26/08 08:51 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
do u have more stamina stoned or sober? do u get more or less high workin out fraded?
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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Coaster]
#125771 - 09/26/08 08:53 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
I used to strength train for 3-4 years until I realized I was just fucking up my joints for temporary gains.
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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: DungenessDank]
#125773 - 09/26/08 08:55 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
Lord of the Flies

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Coaster]
#125775 - 09/26/08 08:59 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
I was a gym addict, I'd spend an hour in the after noon working out, and then 2-3 more hours in the evening, every day I worked every muscle group, drank down so many protein shakes and supplements, I was in the best shape of my life, but I worked myself into some injuries and decided its worth having a beer gut if I'll still be able to lift my arms over my head and/or walk normal in my old age
I'm Back Baby

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: DungenessDank]
#125776 - 09/26/08 09:01 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
r u still buff or all droppy now can u stretch now?
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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Picklez]
#125777 - 09/26/08 09:04 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
I have been getting back into shape lately. After I got out of the army I used being out as an excuse to not move off the couch anymore. I'm pretty pleased with myself for being able to run 3 miles in under 20 minutes again - on a 12 deg. incline treadmill. Hardly weightlifting but not too shabby for a damn near 40 year old smoker imo.
I started doing some barbell work on my upper body lately because my legs are getting disproportionately larger from the treadmill.
Young'uns heed this advice - it fucking HURTS getting old if you let your body decline in your 20s.
-------------------- alakona said:
but it takes a special breed to lie about cheating on your made up wife.
impgl said:
jesus, OTD really brings the drama
I'm Back Baby

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Leary_Ban]
#125778 - 09/26/08 09:07 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
how did u let ur body decline in the army

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: DungenessDank]
#125779 - 09/26/08 09:09 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
DungenessDank said: I used to strength train for 3-4 years until I realized I was just fucking up my joints for temporary gains.
sounds like you had no idea what you were doing and overworking your muscles.
theres a proper way to work out and harmful ways to workout
Voodoo hit it on the head, form is one of the most important. but you also have to allow your muscles time to heal back after ripping them up
Ye Olde School

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Re: any weight lifters in here? [Re: Coaster]
#125780 - 09/26/08 09:16 PM (16 years, 5 months ago) |
no not while I was in the army - I got out when I was 22 and didn't even attempt to stay in shape till I hit 36
I started fucking a 23 year old and realized I was going to have a fucking heart attack trying to fuck her like the other dudes she'd been with so I bought a treadmill.
When I started I could not run a mile, period. And I wasn't especially fat, I just could not get enough air to run more than about a quarter mile.
In the army I could run 3 miles in 17 minutes with 40 pounds of shit on my back. One of our DIs was this nutty negro who would run in circles around us when we marched in formation - he had never scored less than perfect on a PT test in his entire career. He turned down a commission to stay a DI. He was probably 40 when he was my DI. I'd like to be that fit but thats a long, long way off.
Anyway I just meant that if you stay on the couch for 15 years that it really, really fucking hurts to get back to where you used to be.... so if you're young just stay active so you never have to go through a bunch of pain to get it back later. You'll miss it if you don't.
-------------------- alakona said:
but it takes a special breed to lie about cheating on your made up wife.
impgl said:
jesus, OTD really brings the drama