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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: andyistic]
    #119081 - 09/06/08 11:13 AM (16 years, 17 days ago)

I'm an electric smoker :gc:

ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.

Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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The Bridge Master

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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: Dr_T]
    #119083 - 09/06/08 11:25 AM (16 years, 17 days ago)


Dr_T said:

THEBats said:

Dr_T said:

MistaUNGA said:
is he gonna end the Fed? afterall, it's technically unconstitutional.

Could you point out where in the Constitution the Fed is forbidden? I really don't think it's in there- Hamilton was wanting it from the start.

So, not so much 'un'constitutional as 'extra'constitutional. Like the Louisiana Purchase, maybe.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

But then we're back to the Louisiana Purchase. Clearly not authorized explicitly- so therefore reserved to the States or the people, right?

So, why isn't anybody bitching about giving the middle of the country back to France?

um not the same thing and seeing as we purchased it from France no one should be bitching about anything.

kickin-two-hundo said:
you know what i did in english class? I came to class stoned out of my mind every day, i chugged vodka in the back of class, i put dead fish in the ceiling tiles. i put a gallon of old milk and orange juice in the file cabinet before winter vacation. i brought snakes in a tied up sweater and let them loose during class. i didnt go to school to learn, i went because i had to. i didnt care, and i didn't fucking listen to that stupid bitch. and i still don't fucking care. i tore the pages out of her books and burned them, and threw away all the books in the class, two books per day.  :twobooks:

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green crack GREEN CRACK!!
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: Dr_T]
    #119084 - 09/06/08 11:36 AM (16 years, 17 days ago)

i think it may have technically been an illegal/unconstitutional move on jefferson's part.

however, the states that came about from the Louisiana purchase have since been incorporated into our federal governmental functions. we have incorporated them into our system and have become integral.

the same argument could not be made for the Fed.

I'm an electric smoker :gc:

ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.

Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Random Dude
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: MistaUNGA]
    #119085 - 09/06/08 11:57 AM (16 years, 17 days ago)

I think it's safe to say the Fed has been integrated into our existing system. Doing away with it would be less traumatic than losing a third of the country, but it still would suck.

So, re: Jefferson, there's a statute of limitations on unconstitutional acts? What's the limit? 100 years?

MistaUNGA said:
be sure to slap a sticker on there and take a pic, cuz otherwise it didn't happen!

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green crack GREEN CRACK!!
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: Dr_T]
    #119098 - 09/06/08 12:58 PM (16 years, 17 days ago)


but the fed hasn't been around 100 years yet. so there's still time to dissolve it! Kennedy tried to, but then he was assassinated...


John Kennedy before his death planned to end the Federal Reserve System to eliminate the national debt a central bank creates by printing money and loaning it to the government. Kennedy understood its danger to the country and the burden it placed on the public. Thus, on June 4, 1963, he issued presidential order EO 11110 giving the president authority to issue currency. He then ordered the US Treasury to print over $4 billion worth of "United States Notes" to replace Federal Reserve Notes. He intended to replace them all when enough of the new currency was in circulation so he could end the Federal Reserve System and the control it gave the international bankers over the US government and the public. Just months after the Kennedy plan went into effect, he was assassinated in Dallas in what was surely a coup d'etat disguised to look otherwise and may well have been carried out at least in part to save the Fed System and concentration of power it created that was so profitable for the powerful bankers in the country. Those benefitting from it had good reason to be involved in the plot to save the special privilege they weren't willing to give up without a fight. It's a plausible explanation that may explain who may have been behind the assassination and for what reason. Whatever the truth is, the banking cartel was only in distress a short time. Once Lyndon Johnson took office, he rescinded Kennedy's presidential order and restored the cartel's former power. It's kept it ever since and is now, of course, more powerful than ever. Even presidents are unable to stop it and those who would try have a lesson from history to give them pause.

imo manipulating interest rates is not an integral part of our economy. if our currency were based on hard money, there wouldn't be a need for the fed. it would be much more stable.

look into fiat currency (which we have now) vs. hard currency.
reading some austrian economics would do our country some good. history is on our argument's side, not the fiat.

the difference between the LA purchase and the fed is that even though both are/were unconstitutional, the LA purchase was a pragmatic move on jefferson's part. it roughly doubled the size of the then-US, and advanced us internationally because of that. the fed is anything but necessary.

oh and btw, it was Article I, Section 8 that prohibits the Fed: The article states that Congress shall have the power to coin (create) money and regulate the value thereof. In 1935, the US Supreme Court ruled the Congress cannot constitutionally delegate its power to another group or body. The Congress thus acted in violation of the Constitution it's sworn to uphold and in so doing created the Federal Reserve System

I'm an electric smoker :gc:

ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.

Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Random Dude
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: MistaUNGA]
    #119099 - 09/06/08 01:29 PM (16 years, 17 days ago)


MistaUNGA said:

but the fed hasn't been around 100 years yet. so there's still time to dissolve it! Kennedy tried to, but then he was assassinated...

No need for tinfoil hats here, we can just consider the practical aspects.

Anybody who uses banking- which is all of us- benefits from a national bank. Same way we all benefit from a national highway system, or a national weather service.

But while there's a loud group of people who want the Fed dissolved, very few complain about other national entities.

Unless you can
1) buy a piece of property for cash
2) live on that property self-sufficiently
then you need banks. Anybody who has a job, or a loan, or has purchased anything from a company, uses banks. And if you use banks, you're better off to use one within a national system.

But then I'm in favor ending NASA's subsidies, and letting private companies compete on an even footing- so I've got my own inconsistencies.

To all- thanks for the most intelligent conversation I've had in quite some time. I'm off this thread, but I'm smiling.

MistaUNGA said:
be sure to slap a sticker on there and take a pic, cuz otherwise it didn't happen!

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green crack GREEN CRACK!!
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: Dr_T]
    #119108 - 09/06/08 02:22 PM (16 years, 17 days ago)

you're right. nobody will ever know the full details surrounding kennedy's death. i just think it's an interesting theory.

and a national bank is different from consumer banks. Bank of America is a different thing entirely from the Federal Reserve. ie there were local banks before the Fed ever existed...

oh, and i definitely complain about other government entities. i look at it from a constitutional approach that the federal gov't doesn't have the power to create these entities, rather they ought to reside with the states. education is a state issue, so why do we need a Dept of Education? Energy, etc...

yes i agree, great discussion, thanks for participating :smile:

I'm an electric smoker :gc:

ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.

Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: MistaUNGA]
    #119112 - 09/06/08 02:44 PM (16 years, 17 days ago)

you ever hear about that incident where some bank was accused of transferring money from mexican drug cartels? or something like that.
i think it might have been wachovia
still funny though :smirk:

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green crack GREEN CRACK!!
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: MistaUNGA]
    #119123 - 09/06/08 03:42 PM (16 years, 17 days ago)

wachovia you know what they do?

they watchova ya money!

I'm an electric smoker :gc:

ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.

Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Brosef Knecht
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: MistaUNGA]
    #119133 - 09/06/08 05:57 PM (16 years, 16 days ago)


MistaUNGA said:
if our currency were based on hard money, there wouldn't be a need for the fed. it would be much more stable.


Nixon really fucked the dog on that.

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Random Dude
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: Sativus]
    #119135 - 09/06/08 06:05 PM (16 years, 16 days ago)

There's not enough gold to totally back every dollar in circulation- that's the tradeoff with fiat money, it's backed by promises, which are unlimited.

But we'd have to find something either more valuable, or more abundant, than gold. Uranium, maybe. They aren't making any more of that.

Out again, bye!

MistaUNGA said:
be sure to slap a sticker on there and take a pic, cuz otherwise it didn't happen!

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green crack GREEN CRACK!!
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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: Dr_T]
    #119136 - 09/06/08 06:21 PM (16 years, 16 days ago)

competing commodities is a good idea...

i'll post more info on that a little later

I'm an electric smoker :gc:

ExplosiveMango said:
If everyone could do mushroom, yes, it would be a wonderful world. This will never be, only some can do mushrooms. It is the responsibility of those of us who see the world most clearly to pass the clarity on to those who cannot bare to wear our lenses.

Madtowntripper said:Or just give her a cloroform soaked rag and tell her it's ether!

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Random Dude
Male User Gallery

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Re: hitler was better than mccain... [Re: MistaUNGA]
    #119160 - 09/06/08 08:30 PM (16 years, 16 days ago)

Post in a separate thread if you would, please.
Too good an idea to clutter up.

And let's dig out the 10th Amendment and tear that up, too.


MistaUNGA said:
be sure to slap a sticker on there and take a pic, cuz otherwise it didn't happen!

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