Images of bongs go here.
- Posted by backupwards
my little lovely
- Posted by magash
Just a bong
- Posted by HabitualHitter
This is Blue.
- Posted by pimpettetwist
My 2nd bong i ever had,i had a green one just like it but it got broken and it was my first bong.It's almost 2 feet tall and it's one nice bong!
- my "vase"
this is my "vase" (cough cough)
- Posted by geokills
My beloved first glass bong standing 12" tall. Since 2001, the bong that started it all. Massive bowl for such a narrow stem (0.8" airflow diameter) making for some exceptionally fatty hits. Extraordinary care was taken on the painting which is not very visible in this picture. Truely one of a kind, I hope to be buried with it!
- Posted by baraka
21 inch bong
- Posted by high times
One word, BONG! It's 2 feet high, solid glass. Gotta love it.
- The bong
- Posted by Todo
my friend's bong.. the picture says it all
- Posted by Wysefool
My first bong from a couple years back, it also has a handle on the back you can't see.
- Posted by Nemo
- Posted by hookedonponics
2 foot bizong with double perc
- My bong
Homemade PVC piping and sharpie casing.
- Posted by baraka
- Posted by baraka
This is a vase i purchased for 10 bucks and drilled a whole to add a female piece.
- Posted by Todo
a nice one foot double chamber bong that i picked up for 130.. hits like a pro when u pack it full.. of tobacco
- Posted by adam420
Home-made water bong I made in about 10 minutes fromt hings around the house. works PERFECT. Biggest hoots with ice & water.
- Posted by leafing
a small pocket bong
- Posted by P. Nugz
This is my 4-Chamber bong. it is made out of an ash catcher and 2 glass jars with diffusers in both downstems. It can be optionally attached to a bong as shown above. A 18 inch strait shot.. its a ittle over kill but is sweet to milk fatty. It cant leave my house due to complexity.
- Candy Bong
this is like my good ship lollypop
- Old Mister Blue
for the days when im feeling blue
- Big Bertha -My bong
About a foot tall and the bowl is a diffuser bubbler basically. DOUBLE FILTERED
- WinterSea
It's Broken now. . .but it was a nice week & 1/2. . .
- The indestructable
My 3 foot custom roor