This is a bowl I've had for over two years... Its got some cool twists and such... and numero uno its thick and tough... I've dropped it on concert from a few feet up more than once...
this is my bowl... my friend bought it about 2 1/2 years ago from professors pipes and stuff in mankato MN. when he quit smokin he gave it to our other friend who took it with him when he moved. when friend2 came back for a vist a few months ago he said he wasnt usin it as much as hed like to so he gave it to make sure it got plenty used (which it does, believe me)... since this bowl has been in a small circle of friends for a long time i cherish it and its my prized possession (sorry the pic is kinda shitty)
A hinged all wood (except the brass pin), capped pipe, made by me out of cherry, purpleheart and lignum vitae. It's subtle contours don't show well in the photo.