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Choosing Your Grow Space

This article will cover the aspects of choosing your grow space and getting started setting up your indoor garden.

There are a few aspects to consider when deciding on how to set up your grow room. Ventilation, Odor Control, Temperature, Water Supply and Electricity would be some to consider.

You will need to refresh the air in your grow room constantly with either an inlet fan or a output fan. Sometimes depending on your grow space you may need a fan blowing in and a fan blowing out to provide enough fresh air. For smaller spaces, say a 3'x3' or 4'x4' grow tent a smaller size 4in inline blower will work perfectly to suck used air out and also draw fresh air in through passive air intakes. This will work fine when using up to a 600 Watt Light. If you are going to use a 1000 Watt Grow Light you would want to use at least a 6in inline blower for your exhaust fan.

Depending on the plants you are going to grow you might need to have a odor control system in place for your grow room. An activated carbon filter generally will cover any odor control issues you may have. Just match the size of your carbon filter to the size of your fan by flange size and cfm. Say a 6in fan with a 6in blower. You can connect your fan directly to your blower or you can use a length of flexible ducting to allow you to place your filter remotely from your fan, say inside your grow tent with the blower outside or on top of the grow tent.

Temperature in your indoor garden should run about 75F. This is a very general guideline for a lot of plants. Depending on the equipment, grow light ballasts, fans, controllers, etc. that you have running temperature may be an issue. Fixing it may be as simple as using a 6in or 8in inline fan instead of a 4 fan or moving your ballast to another room. You may need to use supplemental air conditioning to keep your grow room temperature within tolerable levels.

It's definitely handy to have a water supply close to your indoor garden. Lugging buckets of water through the house is a pain in the butt. Maybe you can splice off your washing machine cold water spigot or have a half bath or whatever. Even for a smaller size indoor garden you will be using more water than you want to carry around. Water quality is very important to your plants health in your indoor grow room. Water quality varies greatly region to region and rural to urban. Some well water will straight up kill your plants and some will make them grow like jack's beanstalk. When in doubt just get a reverse osmosis system and you will know what your plants are getting.

You will need to assess your electrical usage on the electrical circuit your are going to use for your indoor garden. If you have a 150 Watt high pressure sodium grow light with 2 plants and a 4in fan you don't need to bother. But you can't just plug a 1000 Watt Light system plus blower, fans, hydroponics systems and other grow room equipment into the same circuit that's running your space heater. If you can use a dedicated 20amp circuit for your garden. This will easily power a 1000 watt grow room with accessories. Remember to never use more than 80% of the rated circuit. If you're not sure, consult an electrician. The last thing you want to come home to is a fire in your grow room.

Happy Growing!

About the Author: Jason Cullen is a long time gardener and owns www.rvfgardensupply.com a complete indoor growing and hydroponics store.

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