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The Kaboomaka zoom tube or steamroller

Build guide w/ Pics

The Kaboom has always been one of my favorite ways of ripping my mind out when smoking some herb. The kaboom is a very basic pipe and can be made from lots of stuff. In order to make a kaboom one requires a joint, a chopstick or cigarette, a plastic bottle ( small, about a pint or 20 oz), a knife, and a lighter. It says with pics in the caption couldnt figure out how to properly attch sorry.

1) Gather Materials

Today I will be using a DayQuil Bottle and a cig. When choosing between the cig and chopstick think about the size joint you roll and go with the one of closer diameter.

2)Make your Joint Hole
Using the cig burn a hole
I would suggest blowing on the ember and not inhaling thru the cig for obvious reasons.
Hole placement is very important and must be far enough away from the bottom to the hole.

3)Cutting the bottom
This is where your knife comes in, your going to cut the bottom of the bottle off. This is why the hole must be a sufficient distance from bottom.

4) Get burnt
Place joint into hole
Put non lighter hand over the bottom
Toke until the bottle is full
Remove hand from bottom and toke like a mofo
Get Completely blasted

These can be bought in head shops / pipe stores and are made from glass and are know as steam rollers.
I personally made one from a stick and attached a glass bowl for a bong
If one lives in the great white North Land as I do a kaboom can be filled with snow for a cooled, refreshing, filtered blast of dope smoke.
I hope everybody finds this useful and has oodles of fun with it.

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