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Selection of published works related to growing marijuana.

Books, magazines, and discussion forums...

Informative mail order products are available from FS Book Co, Red Eye Press, and New Moon Publishing.
Popular magazines include Cannabis Culture, Growing Edge, High Times, and Practical Hydroponics.

[Editor's note: Some of these books may no longer be in print.]

  • Closet Cultivator - Revised Edition by Ed Rosenthal from Last Gasp.

    An easy-to-handle and follow marijuana grow-guide, describing and illustrating by using examples of setting-up hidden (e.g. closet) mini-gardens. 128 pages, 55 illustrations.

  • Cannabis Alchemy by Daniel Gold from Ronin Publishing.

    "The art of preparing extremely potent Cannabis (marijuana) products." Extraction and preparation of hashish and hash-oil. Also describes isomerization. This popular little book remains a classic from the 1970’s. 96 pages, illustrated.

  • CO2, Temperature, & Humidity by Daniel Gold and Ed Rosenthal from Quick American Publishing.

    A newly revised guide to increasing yields with simple, practical techniques for indoor and greenhouse gardens, primarily through the use of supplemental CO2 which dramatically increases plant yields. 54 pages, illustrated.

  • HASHISH! by Robert Connell Clarke from Red Eye Press.

    Covers the history of hashish in all major hashish cultures. Describes cultivation, manufacture, legendary and contemporary hashish, the hashish market and availability. Edited by Mel Frank. 339 pages with 261 photos, charts and illustrations.

  • Hydroponic Food Production - 6th Edition, Hardback by Howard M. Resh, PhD

    Over 500 pages long and only available in hardback. He is formerly with the Department of Plant Science at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver and is currently an international horticultural consultant and president of International Aquaponics, Inc.

  • Indoor Marijuana Horticulture (The indoor bible) - Revised, by Jorge Cervantes, Interport USA.

    A user-friendly, easy to understand guide to indoor growing under High Intensity lights (HID’s). Revised and expanded edition with new sections by Rob Clarke and Ed Rosenthal. 384 pages, illustrated, index and glossary.

  • Marijuana Grower’s Insider’s Guide by Mel Frank, from Red Eye Press.

    A complete guide to indoor, greenhouse/outdoor gardening. Hydroponics and organics, cloning, breeding, maximizing potency, nutrient deficiencies, pest control, CO2 set-up, harvesting, curing and drying. 380 pages with 200 photos, charts and illustrations.

  • Marijuana Grower’s Guide Deluxe - Revised by Mel Frank, Red Eye Press.

    This is the classic, known as the Grower’s Bible. Cannabis botany, chemistry, history and cultivation indoor and outdoor. Covers it all and is an excellent reference for both novice and professional growers. 330 pages, 193 photos, charts, and illustrations.

  • Marijuana Botany by Robert Connell Clarke from And/Or Press.

    Clearly explains marijuana propagation cloning, grafting, seeds and breeding for potency, yield, etc. Beautifully illustrated with excellent drawings. Includes cultivation tips by an expert. An author’s work of love. 173 pp., glossary, index, bibliography.

  • Marijuana Question? Ask Ed by Ed Rosenthal from Quick American

    A compendium of questions and answers by the infamous answer-man for High Times. Ed answers hundreds of reader’s queries on marijuana growing, preparing, smoking, health, and legal concerns. A wealth of information clearly explained. 264 pages with 70 photos.

  • Marijuana Chemistry - Revised by Michael Starks from Ronin Publishing.

    A guide to marijuana chemistry with descriptions of marijuana and hashish extractions and preparations. Claims to show how to enhance potency of products and plants. 200 pages, photos, charts, and numerous tables.

  • Marijuana Grower’s Handbook by Ed Rosenthal from Quick Publishing.

    A guide for marijuana growing under lights. From seeds to final stash with addendum on photoperiod. Details the set-up of high-yield gardens. 232 pages with 100 photos and drawings.

  • Marijuana Hydroponics by Daniel Storm from And/Or Books.

    A guide to growing hydroponically (without soil) from basic systems to computer control. 117 pages, illustrated

  • The Cannabis Breeder's Bible by Greg Green from Green Candy Press.

    The Cannabis Breeder's Bible offers real-world, professional techniques for breeding primo pot. The book covers new hybridization techniques, international seed law issues, protecting new breeds or strains from knockoff artists, shipping seeds and clones, breeding lab designs, product testing, primordial cannabis, landrace and lost strains, common mutations, and more. This useful guide also features a wealth of photographs, instructive illustrations, and in-depth interviews with breeders and seed bank professionals.

  • The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Defintive Guide to Growing Marijuana for Recreational and Medical Use by Greg Green from Green Candy Press.

    This guide is the culmination of 20 years of experience in marijuana cultivation and collaboration with growers from all over Europe. For the enthusiast and professional alike, this is the most authoritative grow book to be released in more than a decade. With more than 200 photographs and 20 tables, it describes in detail how growers can maximise their yield and potency of their crops using state-of-the-art equipment and tools available from any gardening store. The first book to fully explain the newest growing technique, Screen of Green, that is sweeping through Europe.

  • The Marijuana Chef Cookbook by S.T. Oner from Green Candy Press.

    Putting the Joy Back in Cooking, this Book Turns a Humble Leaf into a Culinary Treat; Easy-to-follow instructions and more than sixty delicious recipes make The Marijuana Chef Cookbook simply the best way to cook with cannabis. Promoting health and fun, this valuable addition to any stoner's kitchen contains everything readers need to know - from the safest way to regulate dosage using buds, leaf or hashish, to how certain foods and cooking methods can increase potency. For the concerned or curious, health information, legal tips and a culinary history of marijuana are also included.

  • Hydroponic Nutrients - Easy Ways to Make Your Own by M. Edward Muckle
  • The Best of Sinsemilla Tips from New Moon Publishing
  • The Best of The Growing Edge Volume 1 (1989-1994) from New Moon Publishing
  • The Best of The Growing Edge Volume 2 (1995-1999) from New Moon Publishing
  • The Best of Practical Hydroponcs and Greenhouses from New Moon Publishing

    The following websites provide extensive information on grow related topics:


    Additional Reading:

    Marijuana Chemistry by Michael Starks
    Cannabis Alchemy by David Hoye
    Luther Burbank: his methods and discoveries and thier practical applications by L. Burbank
    Breeding field crops by Poehlman and Sleeper


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